what does it mean when your growing hurts?!


Geez. NVM that little bit of criticism. Growing pains are pretty normal. It usually means that you are having a growth spurt. Maybe you are going to be tall.

Other Answers:
Hate to break it to you, but "growing" isn't a noun.

Growing pains are when your body is in a period of quick growth (growth spurt) and your muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. are stretching to keep up with your bones. Normally is in the joints.

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UMM..all that is is growing pains no worrying but if it does keep up i would notify my docter.

If you mean your knees and arms hurt because you are getting taller, it's just called growing pains. Advil helps.

Groin is the word not growing.And it means that a mans special spot where the sun shines isn't shining any more.(IT HURTS)His "PIMP STICK" Im sure you get the idea by now


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