how do you lose weight, easy and quickly.?? without like running? haha?!

i'd really like to lose some weight.but i really don't want my parents to find out that i want too. so how do i do stuff without my parents noticing? is there an easy way too?
try just giving up pop if you drink it. it really works. at least for me it did. its amazing how much sugar gets to ya. other than that i would say like crunches in your room. no one would know about that one. something simple. it takes a bit of time no diet will make you super thin in a second. so be patient and the results will show. so try just drinking water. no sugary drinks at all. and results will be seen.

Other Answers:
If you don't want your parents to find out, I would bet you don't need to lose weight at all.

I think the real question is, why you dont want your parents to find out that you would like to be healthier. Thier support is great motivation.

The easiet way to lose weight is eat 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours. Avoid Salt, Sugar, Carbohydrates and Dairy. Drink plenty of water. exercise EVERY day for 30 minutes and you will lose weight.

You probably know a lot about suggested methods of losing weight. There are no short cuts unless you use harmful drugs, which I am sure you do not want to do.
One thing I know which will curb your apetite is the kola nut. You just chew it. Since they use it in various products ( perhaps coca-cola as well) I am sure it's not illegal. In fact if you can find a West African market in your area you could introduce yourself to that product.


try it for a wekk and you'll see what a change, make ure you weight yourself before you start, that way you know for sure if it worked for you or not.good luck!

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