How can I start losing weight without it being a drag each day?!


Replace the soft drinks with UNSUGARED tea and water/mineral water.
Replace Fast-Food with a home made sandwich or fruit and veggies.
Park all the way in the back of the parking lot at the super market (make yourself walk more)

Drink at least 4 liters(1 gallon) of unsugared (Coke light doesn't count) tea or water a day, that will flush u out and u eat less, becuz u feel full.

Replace meals with liquid: For instance some chicken broth WITHOUT anything in it. And Tomatoe soup without ingridients.
That's called fasting; do it for no longer than 3-4 weeks, and always make sure u drink enough!!

Leave away EVERYTHING that has "High Fructose syrup" in it!

Other Answers:
eat whatever you'd normally eat, but leave half of it on the plate

i'm going through the same situation! just cut out all snacks like chips and candy. i know i know, it's valentine's day, but just do it. do not starve yourself though!

get workout videos from the library or go to channel40 somthing th fitness channel

Well for one thing, you need to get active
What's your favorite sport?
Every day go to a park/field and play

And for food, eat what you normally eat but not as much

I have not only seen but have had alot of success with the weight watchers flex program. You do have to change the way you eat but not necessarily what you eat. Decrease your portion size, drink plenty of water. I am telling you, I have only been on it for 3 weeks and I have already lost 8 lbs. But I know people that have lost 35 - 40 within 3 - 4 months.

Just make some small changes - park a little farther away when you go shopping, do stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your job is sedentary, and remove just a couple of things from your diet - junk food, pop, butter, whatever makes sense to you.

Take a look at Bill Phillips Body For Life system.

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