how to loose weight?!


the best way is low calorie diet and exercise.and i introduce a good site for you ,

Other Answers:
You want loose weight? Oh, you want to LOSE weight. Easy, don't eat junk food and exercise vigorously a hour or so a day (Increase your heart rate by 50% or so for an hour).

Short and simple: eat less, excercise more.

Remember, you got to where you are by going the way you are going.

eat less excercise more

be a vegetarian.

There's no magic answer so don't look for one. It's really very simple, just burn more calories then you take in. Once you burn 3500 more then you take in, you'll weigh about a pound less. If you want to lose 20 lbs. do the 3500 thing 20 times.

just work out in watch what you eat do not eat out after 8:00pm

Stop taking sugar.brisk walking 40 minutes daily.avoid taking bakery foods specialy bread.control over taking rice drink saturated milk.and mind that no worries around you.The stress creates many undesirable chemicals in your body.

have a hefty breakfast. starve urself during the day and eat something before 9.00pm. then u will start loosing something.

the key is a balanced diet and excersise frequently at least for one hour a day. When i mean balanced diet i mean a good balance between carbohydrates,fats,starches,su. and vitamins and minerals this will also make your body become more healthy as you are feeding it with all the vital things it needs. Hope this helps.

eat right..proper diet and execise regularly..avoid eat too many fats.and drink water 8 glasses a day.

Try this website to help you diet.

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