I need some help for anyone who well listen to me Read below?!

I just found out that i have a early stage of cancer. And me and my mom have both decided that we are not going to do treatment becouse i want to live life up to the fullest that i am able to do. My doctor told me to continue to play sports and do the things that i love but i get tired so fast and i cant achieve what i want to do. I just turned 17 why did god have to choose me for this i have goals in my life and i feel like he is trying to take it all away from me. Please help me.
First of all, as a cancer survivor myself, I want to offer you a warm hug and my best wishes. I know making treatment decisions is not easy at all, and the worst thing is having people who don't know your situation tell you what to do. Plus different cancers have different prognosises and treatments, so what worked for one may not work for another.

Still, the fact that you said you are opting for NO treatment concerns me, especially because you said you have an early stage. I do believe that the choice of treatment is up to you, but at least try something. Even if it is an all natural treatment with no side effects you will at least be doing something to make yourself less tired and live a fuller life! There are all kinds of natural remedies (herbs, change in diet) research them! Even if they don't cure you, they could at least give you more energy.

Personally, when I was diagnosed with cancer at 23, I chose conventional treatment (chemo plus radiation). That was my choice and I am not pushing it on you, but I will say I am glad I went through it. I am now 24 and in remission. Have you researched treatments to see how "bad" they really are? There are so many horror stories, but treatment may not be near as bad as you think it is. Some cancers, like mine, have really high cure rates and early stages usually require less treatments. Please thoughtfully consider all options with your mother. Like I said, this is a personal decision for you and your mom. Still, be prepared that your symptoms are going to get worse without any treatment at all.

Other Answers:
I am so sorry.you need to get medical treatment. Cancer will make you tired and have less engery if i was you i go on wwww.americancancersocity.com to get more about this.

You should get treatment, it is your best chance.

God has not taken away your opportunity to pursue your goals. God has just given you more of a challenge. Please reconsider your decision not to have treatment.

God bless.

well god usually takes good people from the earth. He has taken my best friends mother. And i am only 13. And she was awesome. And it was scary 2 know that my friend didnt have a mother like i didnt.
Me and My friend.

Well if you don't want to do doctor treatment.Just live you life day by day and just fight the tierd and just think about it as it's your last day bettermake the best of it..Best of Wishes

you should get treament.god does things for a reaons ..he is testing to see how much u value ur life and the people in it..so just pray and get help..GOd bless


You'll be alright. There's a plan for you. You may have a higher purpose in life something that is just to great to do here on earth.

God wants to see how you will handle the challenge delt to you and he is just waiting to see you handle it with trust and grace and you aren't the only one who is struggling with cancer at such a young age trust me I speak from experience.

Cancer is many different diseases. Some are easy to cure in early stages. Some are not. As young as you are, you could live a long healthy life yet. Talk to your doctor more about how he thinks the cancer will go, what your treatment options are, how long the treatments will last and how well they can work. Google your type of cancer and find support groups of people who really have it or have recovered from it and ask them. But your question was about God and why you have cancer:

Some people believe that this life is about learning lessons so that we can go back to God. Most of us take almost a hundred years to learn our lessons. Some people get them done quickly and go home early. Cancer is the fast-track course to learning many things, like how to be grateful for what you have, how to live each day fully and appreciate the people you meet, how to let go of things that don't matter, and how to accept help gracefully when you need it. Maybe you are taking the fast track back to God. That's not a punishment.

Maybe you need to learn some things and then recover and live a long time so you will have the knowledge and strength to do what you are here for, maybe to help someone else.

Some people think that God is love, and love does not die. For this reason, God may understand that you are suffering, but know that you are not really in danger. What you think is the end is really only a new beginning. You are not being punished.

Or it may be that God doesn't work that way. Maybe your cancer is totally random. Only your decisions make a difference. Maybe you need to stop looking for God outside yourself and look to your own soul. Where is your joy? What are your blessings? And what can you do right now to make the world a better place for someone, whether that someone is you or not?

you should really get medical treatment. if its in its early stages you could easily beat it and live life out to the fullest then

My mother was diagnosed with angiosarcoma last July. They told her she would live six to eight months. She decided to fight, & she started that fight with prayer. We asked the people in our church to come to her house to pray for her.
One hundred people showed up. We all formed a circle around her & my father, & we prayed. We asked God to bless her, her doctors, her tests, & her treatments. Then we sang the song "Trust & Obey"
My mother had radical surgery. They had to scalp her & take the skin off of her forehead. They grafted skin from her legs to cover her head. Then she had eihgt weeks of radiation.
Last week she was diagnosed cancer free.
It was very rough on her. She was so sick & weak, but she says it was all worth it.
Please consider the power of prayer. Persistant prayer!
I dont't know what you are facing, but you should really think hard about this decision.
I'll be praying for you.

your best defence is to get the treatments and having a strong support group and i am sorry to hear that another child has cancer i lost my daughter to cancer about 6years ago

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