why are americans stupid and FAT !?!


We eat way too much fast and fatty foods, our educational system ranks 23rd in the world (behind India, a third world nation) and doesn't prepare high school graduates for careers in a global economy. Moreoever, we've become a nation that accepts mediocrity instead of excellence. I have always been raised to believe that people rise to the occasion if you set the bar high enough, people will rise to expectation. We have set the bar too low, and thus people sink to those expections as well. I cannot tell you how disappointing it is to stand in front of a class of college freshmen, many of whom were their class valdictorians, and realize that they were ill-prepared to be attending a four year institution of higher education. Many cannot even write an 8th grade level paragraph, they lack critical analytical skills, logic, the ability to communicate effectively verbally and they really have little desire to learn how to do so. We live in a "I want it now society", without the teaching our children that it means more to earn what you want.

It is also why so many Americans carry so much debt. They can so easily borrow the money from their homes or credit cards to purchase what they want in the moment without the sacrifices of saving. But, we have learned these bad habits from our own government. They borrow money without worrying about the ramifications of so doing. Worse yet, as a nation we have given only lipservice to the importance of education while pouring borrowed money everywhere else.

I truly believe that we are witnessing an historical shift that will have major implications for future generations, not unlike the fall of the Roman, Minoan, Greek, etc. empires. Bad choices accumulate over time to the demise of cultures.

Other Answers:
because we get bombarded with advertisements to eat all the time.

so we eat all the time

and we're consumer whores and media sluts

Americans are fat because they have luxries specially cars.and first part of your question i want you to ask live from an american.

I'm not stupid.
I'm not fat.
Get a life.

hold up now, we aint stupid and fat. and there is alot of obesity in america because of all the fat greasy, popular foods. and alot of americans have luxuries and and want all the luxuries they can get and the want all the money too. but this does not go for all americans! there are alot of sensible americans like me!! and i dont appreciate you calling us americans fat and stupid cuz we aint!! we are people too you know! we have feelings too! oh and i hope you dont say that question aloud, for you might get jumped by us americans. LOL

As for stupid they are are not hence they would not still be the dominating country, their leaders on the other hand are sometimes insensible, rash, etc. But I doubt you have made a correct statiscal analysis to say the vast majority of americans are stupid (as any other country). As for fat, they have way to many processed foods, almost nothing is natural anymore, go into an average american pantry or fridge and tell me how much natural food you find vs how much ready to go, microwavable, 'just unfreeze and ready' plus many americans do not eat at home that much they eat out mostly at fast foods or semi fast foods, over half of the us popilation is Overwheight (source CNN) fat americans are mostly lazy do fix their own food, or just eat too much.

Americans are labelled. The AVERAGE american is slightly overweight, it doesn't mean the entire population is fat. If you have a rudimentary understanding of statistics, you can understand that outliers can REALLY augment a mean.
As for intelligence, this is not a fair battle. When you look at nations like China, only certain people have access to education whereas everyone in the US has access to education regardless of performance. I'm not saying that it's a perfect system but unlike Africa, where only a small subset of the extremely intelligent students get tested and get to go on to school, this country allows everyone an equal opportunity.
Again, it takes a rudimentary understanding of statistics to realize that these stereotypes are merely perpetuated by a large number of outliers.
Most Americans are not fat, and a large subset of the population is highly educated.
Stereotyping an entire society isn't exactly intelligent now is it?

no fat here buddy! maybe stupid? but not fat. 6'1 185 pounds

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