what happens when you take a viagra and dont need em?!

just wanna know what happens when you take one but dont need one.
Well, for one thing you run the risk of going blind for no reason. Viagra has been linked to blindness.

Other Answers:
LOL! Ever hear of a viagra party? Talk about your prolonged boners!! ouch!! good for her bad for you!

Careful son, you'll put an eye out.

you know that thing on the commercials that says if you have an erection for fours hours call a doc. yeah i think that may happen but i would actually ask my doctor i mean it must be a common question and we hell im curious myself.

you get an erection and have no one to put it in.

you are SOL

You get an uwanted *****. but why would you wanna do that/

I wouldn't try it. Medication should not be treated lightly. My friend goes to Medical School and told me a little story. A patient came in that had taken three viagra pills and he didn't need them at all. By the time my friend got the patient to admit what the problem was it was to late. The bloodvessels in his penis burst and he will never again be able to get an erection. He was in his twenties.

my ex boyfriend took it without needing it and ended up in the er. it raises your blood pressure, and it is not anything to play with..it is a prescription drug, and it should only be taken by the person to whom it is prescibed to.unless you want to end up in your local emergency room with a very embarrassing problem, it can cause an erection lasting for hours and start shutting off circulation to your penis, it can be very dangerous!

The question should not be what happens but rather what happened why you would take viagra although you didn't need it. My answer would be your brain fell asleep.

Your penis will feel like its going to explode even after your ejaculated. Also if you take Viagra for a extended period of time and you don't need it, it can make it so you cant get as fool as erection. I had a buddy that took it in high school to be funnier. I don't suggest taking it if you don't need it

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