Hello all, just wondering if anyone had any true info on the std called HPV?!


Same thing as genital warts.

Other Answers:
It is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

its a virus .its genital warts. it can cause cervical cancer and it is prevalent among teenagers.

This is info from Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health:
"HPV [is] a virus that is the cause of common warts of the hands and feet, as well as lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral, anal, and genital cavities. The virus can be transmitted through sexual contact, and specific types of the virus are a precursor to cancer of the cervix. There is no specific cure for an HPV infection, but the virus often can be controlled by podophyllin [a topical medication] or interferon [a natural glycoprotein administered as a drug that curtails the continued spread of the virus] and the warts can be removed by cryosurgery, laser treatment, or conventional surgery." Hope this helps.
I am in nursing school and I work in a hospital. I am also a 30+ mother of two.

I have HPV and have little problems with it. I have had them going on three years now. I do have an active sex life with my partner. The best part about it is telling your partner, so they know the risk of infection. There is no cure, but you can remove the warts with an acid the put on them to burn them, (very painful), or they can freeze them. If you have contracted the virus, then make sure you use protection if you plan to have sex, and tell your partner. If you are a female, I don't know the risk of having children, I haven't been albe to concieve yet.

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