is it safe to have a pap smear while on your period?!


To whom it may concern,

Is it safe, yes. Is it recommended, no. For one thing, if your menstral flow is heavy then the blood may obscure your Ob/Gyns view of the cervix. Another reason is that a pap smear is performed by looking at cells from your cervix. Sometimes the blood from a menstral cycle can make examining these cells more difficult and yield an indeterminate result. The best advice may be to simply put your pap smear off for a week of so. I hope this helps.

Other Answers:
its not good but it won't kill yah

It is always safe as long as the proceedure is being performed by competant professional you trust.

Docters Don't give pap smaer while on period thats if u are flowing heavy but it's ok i had one but i was flowing light

While it is safe, it is best not to. Try to plan it for when you are not on your period. The doctor or health clinic can explain why better than I can.

Your doctor will probably ask you to reschedule your appointment.

You doctor would know better.

it's fine a little embarrassing but no prob.

It's safe, kinda icky for the obgyn though!

Its safe and ok to do but I would avoid it. I had an appointment I tried to weasle out of but my doc (female doc) told me to come on in anyway. It wasnt on very heavy but I still felt kinda grossed out by it, but the doc was just fine with it.

Most doctors will not perform vaginal exams or pap smears while a woman is menstruating - unless it is some type of emergency. The reason is because your period can alter the appearance of some cells - therefore making it harder to determine if everything is normal. Also, at my Gyno, they don't want you to have sex or use a tampon with 48 hrs of your visit - for those same reasons!!

doctors won't give you a pap smear when you're on your period; i think you have to wait two days after it ends. it won't hurt you, but the sample taken will be contaminated.

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