How do you cure a migraine headache?!

i have these constant headaches ever so often i take pain relievers but they dont seem to help could something be seriouly wrong.
I used to suffer with constant migrane headaches as a child. I was put on every migrane medicatation out there. The only thing that helped me was going to a chiropractor and getting adjusted.

Other Answers:

Talk to a doctor! And if the doctor can't cure them, stand on your head and hold your breath. That always works for me.

drink herbal tea, better if it were tea leaves brewed.

Learn pressure points, go to any library find a book about pressure points.

heres a website where i found a medicine that might help your migraine go away

hope it helps and i hope you get better!

My internist recommended Nortriptylene. It is some kind of antidepressant. I never took it, so I don't know if it helps. I heard it makes you gain weight!!

I also read an article somewhere about prozac and paxil, which are also antidepressants and can help prevent migraines.

Have you tried imitrex or maxalt?? These are special migraine medications. They are vasoconstrictors, and work by constricting the blood vessels in your head. They work wonders for me, when ibuprofen fails!
Good luck with this problem, I know there are a lot of people suffering with you.

My doctor got me hooked up on a medicine called IMITREX
at least I think thats how you spell it/ anyway it got rid of my migraines

Are you sure they are migraines? Migraines are a different sort of headache than a stress or tension headache. If you "see" an aura right before the headache comes on, or if everything is "magnified" i.e. sounds are louder than they usually are, it could be a migraine. Laying in a dark room with a cold, wet washcloth over your eyes may help. (That's the low-tech cure!) Advil may help. The best thing would be to talk to your doctor and see if she or he can prescribe something like Imitrex. There are some other migraine prescriptions out there, but that's what works for me.
Try googling imitrex.
Experience. I've had migraines since I was five.

Migraines are different from headache. A migraine usually has a signature of some type -- pain on one side of the head, tunnel vision, photsensitivity, nausea. It's a pretty specific type of issue. If you are having constant headaches, yes, it could be serious, but it's usually something easy to correct. Get your eyes examined, check into allergy medication, and talk to your doctor. If it's going to be a bit before you see the doc, make a log of when you have the headache, how severe it is, how long it lasts, if there are specific symptoms. This will help in diagnosing the cause. Ice packs on the back of the neck can help relieve some of the pain until you find out the cause.

I don't like to take meds so my doc told me to avoid cured meats and stress and at the onset try a little bit of caffeine. There were other things too but I can't remember them all right now. The best thing to do is get in touch with a doctor they have a bunch of things you can do to prevent getting migraines as often. I was told there is no cure. Just to prevent frequency and to treat the symptoms. I hope this helps.

I had a migraine back in Feb. my Dr. gave me imitrex, told me to take 2 for a bad one. I took 2 but it never went away, I think it just made it worse. Then just recently I got another. Someone informed me about the Excedrin Migraine pills. I tried them and they worked magically! If you haven't tried them yet, you need to.
I know how you feel, so Good Luck!

believe it or not there is a "for dummies" book on migraine headaches. my fried got the book and learned a LOT about them and uses what she read in the book to both avoid them and treat them.

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