Does suicide means that your egoistic??!

if someone wants to kill himself, thinking life would be better without him, does it mean he's egoistic??
no it means they are very unhappy with there life and how they feel i think it is people who think the other way are egotistic that life would be worse with out them the truth is life will go on it will change for a small few if anyone dies some people who think the world would be better without them mean there loved ones and family would be better without them for different reasons i have been there a few times and it is not a fun place to be at the time your willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the bennifit of your family or world if you would like to know more i would gladly answer your email

Other Answers:
Yeah..and he wants people to feel sorry for him. He wants attention. He's selfish.

No. People that think the world would be better of without them generally have little to no self-esteem and little, if any, ego.

No, it means you're avoiding to confront reality

I suppose. Usually, there is always someone that has a worser life than the person that commits suicide. So for that person that commits suicide, it's saying he/she deserves better than all those below them.


yes because you think that your are so important it is actually a perverse grandiosity

Yes and No. He is selfish to take his own life without considering other people who care about him, but he also thinks that he is doing a good deed b/c he thinks he is causing suffering to those around him.

Carpe Diem, seize the day

maybe but hes just nuts like me :{)

No. A lot of people who are suicidal are genuinely in a lot of pain. Yes, there are some people who "attempt" suicide to get attention. Those are few in number compared to the clinically depressed or otherwise suicidal individual I believe.

maybe he is thinking life would be better without him, wouldn't that would make him insecure?

people think differently, unfortunately some people think taking their lives is going to solve something, yet most of the time, they are lacking to remember there is always someone who is going to get hurt by suicide.

Suicidal ideations come from depression.Depression is a disease.No they can not help themselves.There are medications and counseling available.Your friend needs support and understanding and not condemnation.Never take threats of suicide lightly.Most victims do give either obvious or not so obvious(like giving away their prized possessions)warnings.Someone who is truly suicidal can be forced into an inpatient treatment center if their significant others feels they are a danger to themselves.The can be forced to a local emergency room and a TDO can be issued by a judge.

No it doesn't. It may mean there are coping issues and possibly underlying depression. Counseling is an option and could bring out what the underlying cause of the problem is. Please have your friend seek medical attention before he hurts more than just himself.

No. Anyone who says so has obviously never been suicidal. It is a selfish act, yes, but it is done with no selfish intentions- it's just someone who is really, really depressed and doesn't want to have to live through it anymore. It's not the most intelligent solution, but it can seem like the only one.

If you or anyone you know is suicidal, tell someone and get into therapy. It's a permenant solution for a temporary problem.
I went through several years of deep depression.

No. That is a horrible way of looking at things. Ok, firstly - whoever said to you that they are going to kill themselves - you need to tell their parents or someone. People just dont joke around when they say that.
To think that life is that bad - that suicide is an option is an extremely sad thing. Its not egotistic, its not selfish, its the persons belief that they can not suffer alone in their pain anymore. Sometimes, people find life very hard and they are locked up in a wall of silence.
Suicide is a very serious thing, do not just pass it off when someone says it to you. That person is reaching out for help.
When someone thinks of suicide, they normally think that they can not go on living, feeling that they are useless, or feeling like they are not understood. That person would have severe depression also.
I hope you get help for whoever said that to you before it is not too late.

I think you mean suicide doesn't mean that about a person..but a screen name like hot_chick might.

To give your life for somebody or something understandable, but dying without a reason is not only foolishness but a mortal sin too. If somebody have a death-wish he should make it useful. There are a lot of places on this Earth where life is cheap, he can go there and do something useful saving others lives until he'll pass out.

No, anyone who wants to kill him or herself is ill and needs help. Someone who is mentally healthy doesn't consider death as an option. Depression is something that clouds peoples judgment having them think the only way out is to die. If anyone knows somebody who is considering suicide this person needs help. People have the misconception that people who feel this way are seeking attention or are being selfish or egotistical but it is not true. Many people think it is a selfish act. I don't believe it is because this person is not seeing things clearly. They are in pain.
I know three people who killed themselves.

I think suicide is one of the most selfish acts a person can perform. Not that I don't have sympathy for someone who is so depressed they contemplate suicide, but it's selfish. The person thinking of ending his own life is thinking of ending the pain, sorrow, worry, etc. of himself and not thinking of the pain, sorrow and heartache he would cause those around him. The grieving period is different when mourning the loss of a suicide victim.the questions that arise, the words never spoken, no explanation but maybe a note. It's troublesome. And all the while the person is dead and gone and out of his misery but leaves behind so much more for others to handle.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

No suicide just generally means that you're dead.

Egotism is when you place your own labels on someone else's life choices. As if they asked for your opinion.

EGOISTIC SUICIDE - Type caused by lack of social ties

no, and i think that it is really harsh and judgemental for people to talk about how selfish it is to commit suicide.

people who say that can't even conceive of how awful it would be for day to day life to be so painful that you want to kill yourself.

i think it is really sad.
and not egotistical at all.

Hi,girl.Sorry for my bad English.killing himself is a great
sin in the life.

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