well if my hands get swollen when i go for my fitness walk is it normal or shou!


Happens to me too sometimes..! But only when I go for long hikes in the mountains. Is your fitness walk in the mountains?? I heard it was from "swinging" your arms a lot to keep balance. It's suggested that you do hand exercises during your hike to keep the blood circulating.. like a squeezy ball.

Other Answers:
I'd ask a doctor. Couldn't hurt.

cut back on ur salt intake !

Drink more water.

if your keeping your hands down by your side it is very normal it is just a matter of blood flow if not go see a doctor

its normal,.. just means your blood is circulating

Do you notice swelling in your feet too?

If so I'd go to the doctor .

it acctually could be a bad thing so i would defo go and see my gp

This happens to my mom. It happens when you have too much salt in your system, or if you have hypertension (<-- you should see a dr. about that.). What you can do is keep your hands moving while you are walking. Flex your fingers while you walk, or carry something you can fiddle with. You should see a doctor if you have not been diagnosed with hypertension so that he can check you.

Go to the Doctor.

I should go and get your blood pressure checked if i were you. I am an alternative medicinal therapist and I won't treat anyone who has swellings on their hands or their feet until i've checked their b/p and taken a urine sample. Sometimes swollen hands means a problem with the kidneys. Do it soon.

G Jones (BSYA)


Walkers Wonder About Bloated Hands
We've all experienced it - your hands swelling when you go on a walk. Sometimes it is worse than other times - puffy, bloated hands. Why? And how to prevent it?
Our favorite gal from Australia, Melanie, asked this of several walking related mailgroups recently and shared the responses she received. As with all other advice you get off the Internet, please take this with a grain of salt. The good news is that no walker or their health care provider found this problem to be serious and it always went away soon after completing the walk.

Long walks in warm weather.
Some walkers reported the problem more in cool weather.
Some thought that higher altitude contributed to more swelling.
Electrolyte imbalance:Electrolytes are the salts in your bloodstream, which must be kept in balance to prevent swelling in the tissues. Sweating without replacing the lost salt can upset this balance. Too much salt can swing you in the opposite direction and still cause swelling."If you are not taking in adequate electrolytes, the imbalance in salt levels between the blood stream, the cells, and the extracellular spaces essentially results in a trapping of the water in the tissues as the sodium is lost in sweat. The same thing can happen if you are taking in too much salt. For those interested, look up "sodium-potassium pump" in a textbook of physiology to get you started."
Good Hydration:One person's physician said the swelling was a sign of good hydration, i.e., of fluids being carried into the capillaries just beneath the skin to promote cooling. This swelling is more noticeable in the extremities. He didn't think it was anything to worry about.

Centrifugal Force:If you are walking / running properly, the centrifugal force generated by swinging your arms will gradually lead to edema (swelling) in the hands.

Blood Pooling: Swollen fingers/hands are due to blood pooling in the extremities of the body. Blood pooling also occurs in the feet. However, in our legs we have large, efficient muscles that are pretty good at getting the blood pumped back up to the heart. In the hands and fingers, we have smaller muscles that are not as good at getting the blood pumped back up to the heart. So, what you get is numb, tingling, swollen fingers.

Next > Preventing and Treating Swollen Hands

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