how to prevent obesity?!


worth a read, espcially first one- read the last paragraph!!
Eat really slowly making sure you are tasting the food. Stop eating when you are full (not stuffed)
Drink more water since this will help you tell the difference between thirsy and hungry.
If you are concerned, go to your doctor who can point you in the direction of dieticians (who can help you look at what you eat and why you eat it, and help you make healthier choices)
A really good book /tv series is Gillian MacKeiths 'You are what you eat', recommend looking at that.
I also highly recommend watching Morgan Spurlock Supersize Me. It will put you off junk food for a long long time.
Remember that any change will take time to show, but its for the rest of your life, not just the next two weeks so give it time. Big changes take a lot of willpower and effort so make small changes that are easier. When added together they will make a big change! (things like walk down the stairs, then gradually build up to walking up the stairs too instead of using the lift = little changes that can grow into big changes)
If it all goes wrong one day, start again the next and don't beat yourself up about it. Life is for living, not for being unhappy in.
'Every journey is started with one step' (can't remember who said that, but it's a good quote)
Good luck!

Other Answers:
eat less, exercise more

first thing is drink plenty of water,eliminate junk foods ,eat only when u r hungry but not stomach full,nothing should go in to ur stomach in between meals.
last but not the least excersize

Burn more calories than you take in. Period. That is the only way. Dont do any diet, you need to make a life change. Commit yourself to control your intake and exercise a little each day. Anything else you hear or read will say the same thing. Research it for months and come up with a plan.

eat a balance diet.more fibres,fruits,vegetables,white meat.
avoid oily and sweet things.
regular excersize.

Don't eat too much junk & exercise regularly

Eat a sensible diet. If you eat meat only eat a little. Fish is good for you, especially the oily ones that contain the essiantial oils which prevent some illnesses in later life. You can eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Have the occasional treat so that you don't feel like you're a slave to your body. Have your main meal during the day rather than the evening so your body has a chance to use it up. If you eat late then it just sits there and piles on the weight.
Get exercising to get your metabolism going. It helps your food digest. Go cycling and explore your neighbourhood. It'll stimulate your mind and get the weight off!
You may find that joining a weight loss group helps. But all too often these places seem to be full of people competing with each other. I haven't been to one or needed to so it's only what I've been told that I base this information on.
Good luck!

1.Eat good nutrious food(Fruits,Vegetables) not junk food.
2.Drink plenty of water not coke/pepsi.
3.Walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk.
4.Think positive.

Do you mean as a culture, or in an individual?
As a person trying to stay slimmer, you need to forge your own path. Ignore portion sizes in restaurants--better yet, cook your own food from ingredients you can trust. Drink water, not soda or alcohol. Exercise a little every day--whether it's working in your garden, washing your car, walking your dog or going to the gym. Moving is the key. Try to find alternatives to sitting passively in chairs. You can sit on a large yoga ball, kneel on a cushion, kneel on an ergonomic knee chair or even just learn to stand to do many tasks. A friend of mine is a yoga instructor and she says that sitting in chairs is destroying the health of Americans. It's bad for your posture and body, it doesn't encourage your core to be strong, and it's very passive.
As a culture, well, you have to train people not to eat junk and fast food, not to overeat or drink soda, and to move instead of sitting still. Good luck on that.
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