Does anyone know anything about Karsakoff's syndrome?!

A friend has been diagnosed with this, and we were wondering if there is any treatment, or if it will get better..
Karsakoff's Syndrome presents itself as amnesia caused by chronic alcohol abuse. The alcoholic creates stories, and often believes them, to fill in their memory lapses and gaps. Sometimes the alcoholic can recover, but they cannot create new brain cells to replace the ones that have already been destroyed by the alcohol.

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Religious people has no problem of these . They are cool , calm and high quality living according to the non religious people all statistics show these . And even religions have their own quality and pureness . And God has developed the religion according to society , literature and technology of the history days and give the last shape to it .

please choose your religion really and go over it and search for the best religion without the thoughts that evil media shows them like a problem . Religions are developed and come to a point from BC 2000 to AC 600 .

To understand what the Creator wants is more important for a person .

Creator has created us for learning and living the life the way it must be .

The "way" can be only taken by going over and choosing your religon . And living with it.

I hope and wish the best for you . And will pray for it .

karsakoffs is caused by chronic alcohol abuse the treatment is helped by medication and by the person seeing a psychitrist who can find out the extent of the damage done to the brain cells as the disease distroys the brain cells and once they are distroyed they can never regenerate.the brain cells that are destroyed can and do affect the persons short or long term memory sometimes this leads to a form of dementia .If the person is kept of alcohol the condition can be sabtlised and stop further deterioration of the brain if not condition will deteriorate rapidly

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