what is a wave?!


wave (wv) KEY

waved , wav·ing , waves

To move freely back and forth or up and down in the air, as branches in the wind.
To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: waved as she drove by.
To have an undulating or wavy form; curve or curl: Her hair waves naturally.

To cause to move back and forth or up and down, either once or repeatedly: She waved a fan before her face.

To move or swing as in giving a signal: He waved his hand. See Synonyms at flourish.
To signal or express by waving the hand or an object held in the hand: We waved goodbye.
To signal (a person) to move in a specified direction: The police officer waved the motorist into the right lane.
To arrange into curves, curls, or undulations: wave one's hair.

A ridge or swell moving through or along the surface of a large body of water.
A small ridge or swell moving across the interface of two fluids and dependent on surface tension.
The sea. Often used in the plural: vanished beneath the waves.
Something that suggests the form and motion of a wave in the sea, especially:
A moving curve or succession of curves in or on a surface; an undulation: waves of wheat in the wind.
A curve or succession of curves, as in the hair.
A curved shape, outline, or pattern.
A movement up and down or back and forth: a wave of the hand.

A surge or rush, as of sensation: a wave of nausea; a wave of indignation.
A sudden great rise, as in activity or intensity: a wave of panic selling on the stock market.
A rising trend that involves large numbers of individuals: a wave of conservatism.
One of a succession of mass movements: the first wave of settlers.
A maneuver in which fans at a sports event simulate an ocean wave by rising quickly in sequence with arms upraised and then quickly sitting down again in a continuous rolling motion.
A widespread, persistent meteorological condition, especially of temperature: a heat wave.
A disturbance traveling through a medium by which energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another without causing any permanent displacement of the medium itself.
A graphic representation of the variation of such a disturbance with time.
A single cycle of such a disturbance.

wave off
To dismiss or refuse by waving the hand or arm: waved off his invitation to join the group.
Sports To cancel or nullify by waving the arms, usually from a crossed position: waved off the goal because time had run out.

Middle English waven, from Old English wafian; see webh- in Indo-European roots

waver (Noun)

Other Answers:
What kind of wave are we talking about.
We have wavy hair.
There are waves in the ocean.
Then there is the 'wave' that fans do at a baseball game, etc.
Ummmmm, you can wave bye, bye.
Waves were in the military.
There are wavy lines.

a hand jester or a ocan wave.

An ocean wave which is like a current, wavy hair, or a hand motion that everyone does in order.

serously? it's a sound, water, or a body of people. take your pick.
my genious

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