how do i tell her?!

I have to explain to my niece about peroids. she is 13 and it looks like shes about to have it. I dont want it to be uncomfortable for her or me so.ya kno. plz explain everything in deatail and plzzzzzzz dont say anything stupid b/c ur wasting your time. plz this is very important!
Being a man I had to google an answer up for you
being a father with a teen daughter all I can say was it was a bit awkward for me to talk about and came out rather lame. but even through all the embarrassment on both our parts the simple truth was together we worked it out.
From: Arora helth care web site: hope it helps.

Your Daughter’s Period:
On average, girls have their first period at age 12, but it can begin anytime between the ages of eight and 16.

A couple of years before their first period, girls show other signs of puberty, including pubic hair growth and breast development. So it’s important to talk to your daughter about her period early, before she becomes confused about these changes and before her period surprises or embarrasses her. The choice about when to talk to your daughter about her period is entirely up to you, but take into consideration that some girls get their period at an early age.

Talking To Your Daughter
Discussing your daughter’s period with her can be uncomfortable, especially in nontraditional families, where the father must take on this daunting task. But if you plan ahead, you’ll be surprised at how smoothly the conversation will go.

What is the best way to begin this discussion? First of all, it’s important to find a comfortable, private environment. Make sure you have enough time to cover the points you want to cover and answer any questions your daughter might have.

You could begin—if you’re a woman—by sharing the story of your first period. Tell you daughter when it happened, where you were, and how you felt at the time. An alternative starting point is to ask your daughter what she has already heard about puberty and menstruation.

After you have broken the ice, give your daughter some basic knowledge. Explain why women get periods. Rather than describing the complicated hormonal changes that occur, try to keep it simple. Tell you daughter that menstruation is not a “curse”, but rather part of the menstrual cycle, which helps a woman’s body prepare for pregnancy. It is your daughter’s first major milestone in her journey toward womanhood.

Then, you’ll want to cover the main points in a clear, understanding manner. Before you sit down for this discussion, make a list of things you want to discuss. That way, you’ll be less likely to get sidetracked and miss something important. Below is a list to help you get started:

Tell your daughter that most girls get their first period around age 12, but that it is not unusual to get it much earlier or much later. However, if you daughter has not started menstruating by the age of 16, consult her physician who can find out if another condition, such as pregnancy, an eating disorder, excessive exercising, or stress, is causing the delay of her period.
Explain that many women experience premenstrual symptoms, including cramps, headaches, bloating, and moodiness in the days leading up to their periods.
Give your daughter an idea about how heavy and how long she can expect her periods to be. Periods can be light, moderate, or heavy. The duration of a period also varies. They typically last from three to five days, but anywhere from two to seven days is considered normal.
Inform your daughter that it is normal for periods to be very irregular during the first few years after menstruation begins.
Show your daughter how to use tampons and pads, and explain the benefits of each. Tell her she should change pads as often as necessary, before they are soaked, Tampons should be changed at least every 4-8 hours.
Make sure your daughter understands that once a girl has her period, she can get pregnant. This may mean bringing up complicated topics like sex, sexually transmitted diseases, and contraception for the first time with your daughter. But it is important that she understands the connection between menstruation and pregnancy.

Practical Advice
Your daughter will appreciate some practical advice that will help her first few periods come and go more smoothly. Here are some tips you can give your daughter that will help her feel more prepared and avoid potential embarrassment:

Keep a tampon or pad tucked away in your purse or backpack at all times.
If you have an accident, don’t panic. Cold water gets out most bloodstains. In the meantime, tying a jacket or sweater around your waist will hide the stain.
Learn to track your menstrual cycle with a calendar so you will know when to expect it.
Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication (ie, ibuprofen) or pain reliever (ie, acetaminophen) to manage premenstrual cramps and headaches.

Tell your daughter to alert you if she experiences any of the following:

Her period suddenly stops
She bleeds for more days than usual
She is bleeding excessively
She feels sick after using tampons
She bleeds between periods (more than just a few drops)
She has severe pain during her period

Irregular menstrual cycles are normal during the first few years after your daughter begins menstruating. But, these symptoms can also be warning signs of other conditions, so it’s a good idea to consult your daughter’s physician if she experiences any of the above.


American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

National Women’s Health Information Center


Menstruation and the menstrual cycle. National Women’s Health Information Center website. Available at: Accessed November 21, 2003.

Period talk: Preparing your preteen for menstruation. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research website. Available at: Accessed November 21, 2003.

Other Answers:
I'm not quite sure, because I'm not a mom, or aunt, or grandma, but I think you might want to explain it very technically and then check a book out of the library about something like that, and let the book talk about the embarassing stuff. Hope that helps, I'm really not trying to be stupid or funny. :]

Well, just have to be up front and say that all girls go through it, if she is 13 she already knows! It happens at age 11. Most time they learn about it in school these days.

go to and she can look it up herself, with your guidence all should be OK..There is pages dedicated to that and other subjects...

Go on line This decribes it better than I ever could tells you what to say.

There are some really great books that explain everything about periods and puberty, You could buy one for her and just be really casual when you give it to her. Let her know you are open for discussion about anything she is unsure of.

You're right, it's a delicate matter.
I would keep it simple and don't underestimate a 13 year old. I would recommend concentrating on fertility/pregnancy and don't give her the lecture on boys like my grandma did.

for detailed and simple information visit this link:

i think its required for the school to tell girls about it in 5th grade. My school did.. they seperated the girls from the boys and we watched a movie about it and the school nurse came and tlaked to us about it. So most likely she already knows. But i really think its the mothers place to tell their daughters about it. I would be mad if her aunt did instead of me.. unless she doesnt have a mother. '_'GOOD LUCK'_'

well i have to grown up girls . the way i told them was i said when a girl gets a certain age her body tells her she is growning up.and when it grows up you start whats called a period that comes every month .. and i had the teen age pads and explained how to use them .. then i asked them did they have any questions.and dont feel you are making her uncomfortable if you wont her to feel like she can talk to you about other sex , boyfriends, pregnancy,,,drugs,,,stuff like that

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