what can i do to relax my muscles from working out?!

i work out for football and my body is sour.
protein - will heal the muscles, and you will recover faster - lots of water, avoid sugar - really avoid sugar- avoid soft drinks, avoid candy - eat fresh fruit for energy - bananas have the potassium you need for sore muscles too -

You can find a book on "food as medicine" which will add a whole lot to what I posted.

Stretching sore muscles also helps them - and if all esle fails, when you go back to practise - you will feel a lot better once the muscles are worked up again.. no matter how sore you are keep working out - as this does take the soreness away too.

Other Answers:
warm bath and sleep


heating pad


try some yoga.



Ummm. . .football coaches tell you these things, right?

warm bath


Hot tub.

1.) A set of warm down stretches

2.) A warm shower.

3.) A light massage over the worked muscles.

4.) Rub in a small amount of 'deep heat' into the muscles before you go to sleep.

You need to do all of them but it stops me from feeling sore after I have worked out.

Have a relaxing bath or go for a massage.

take a long warm bath or soak in a hot tub if you have access to one. You can try adding aromatherapy oils to the bath to add to the relaxing effect.

Try using some tiger balm or Icy hot or A535 on the sore muscles to sooth them. Make sure you get enough rest as well. Try drinking some hot tea minus the sugar and get enough protein to encourage muscle repair.

Other than that your can ask someone or hire someone to massage you with warm aromatherapy oils..it really works. Put on some relaxing music as well.

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