What (and When) can I expect next? (puberty)?!

Question: What (and When) can I expect next.? (puberty).?
as of now im Five Foot Nine Inches and my age is 14, turning 15 in December.

Im a freshman in HS, and the first facial hairs that i grown are probably only 6 months ago. Right now i still have little facial hair, just only a little bit on the bottom of my chin, mustache, and upper side burns.

and i know that everyone is different but what and when can i expect next.?

muscle growth
growth spurt
more facial hair
ect..Health Question & Answer

Puberty can occur anywhere between the ages of 11 and 18, although it is most likely to start around the age of 12/13

Your height is likely to continue growing, but 5 ft 9" is absolutely fine for your age; as for facial (and other) hair, you will probably at first find that the hairs on your chin and neck become longer, but it can take a while before they actually become coarse and start growing abundantly. Armpit hair, comes next, followed by hair on the upper chest and between the navel and your penis, (a snail-trail).

Muscle growth is far more noticable between 15-18, particularly in the upper legs and arms. You'll find that your shoulders broaden and your chest fills out.
I assume your voice has already broken but if not, then you can expect that, along with a growing Adam's apple.

In terms of sexual development the scrotum enlarges and usually 'drops' at around the age of 13 but in many cases can take longer.
The penis, at your age, is likely to be around 5 1/2" - 6" but again, anywhere from five and a half to seven is absolutely fine!

In terms of acne, that is very common: The result of increasing levels of testosterone and other hormones result in increased sebum (oil) production on the skin. Good hygiene and diet, with plenty of exercise keeps you fit and healthy.
On the topic of hormones you have most probably noticed already that you are starting to look more sexually upon your class-mates.?
From 12/13 upwards masturbation is extrenely common and so is the use of pornography.Health Question & Answer

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