Why do all Female get Fat Thighs and Bellys ?!

Question: Why do all Female get Fat Thighs and Bellys .?
All of them have fat ther.Health Question & Answer

Biology. Women initially were meant mostly for reproduction, so the body is programmed to store the fat as much as possible, so in case the food resourses get scarce the woman can still finish her term. This however has changed since we ran around in loin cloth, so we eat at least 2/3 times a day, however the body still is conditioned to store fat. Now, guys were built to be hunters and they do not need to bear an offspring for a long period of time, in fact they need muscle to run/hunt etc., etc., so guys naturally have more muscle mass.
also, it sounds like you might be upset over the fact that we store fat. Trust me, it's only because biologically speaking, we're here to produce offspring. Your body is your body and I think it's great how everything in it has a purposeHealth Question & Answer

Actually, that's not true. There are two patterns in which female overweight deposits, commonly called the pear and the apple.

Both have fat accumulate in the belly area. The pear also adds weight to the buttocks and thighs. The apple carries all her excess weight in the torso, most of it in the belly area. Her legs may remain slender.

The heart health of the apples is at greater risk than that of the pear.Health Question & Answer

Have we been seeping through class again....

If you want a man, be with a man if you want a women you will have to except the gender as more then a clone of men.
Men like the fat a women has and women will go so far as getting fake boobs to add more fat, as they get yet another operation to remove fat from other places. Women have more fat then men do.

Now keep awake in class......Health Question & Answer

well that cant b tru coz im 36+am skiiny in both areas you on the other hand look as thow you have so b4 slaggin other people you shud sort yourself out!!!Health Question & Answer

not allHealth Question & Answer

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