Will using EAC simultaneously build muscle and reduce body-fat?!

Question: Will using EAC simultaneously build muscle and reduce body-fat.?
I HAVE ASKED THIS QUESTION BEFORE. People keep posting crap about how to lose weight without excercising. Please give me a break, I am not a lazy bum who wants to lose weight while doing nothing. I go to gym 4 times a week. So if you don't know the answer please don't post rubbish here. Thank you!

Now the question:

ECA is an acronym for ephedrine, caffeine, and Aspirin. I have read that this stack increases energy and helps burn fat. But can this stack be taken while in an anabolic state (eating excess calories for muscle gains) so that fat can be burnt simultaneously.? Or does one need to be in a calorie deficit to notice any loss in fat.? Health Question & Answer

Dude, your talking about two seperate goals that DO NOT happen together (unless your very new to bodybuilding and in some very rare cases).

Figure out which you want to do... Do you want to cut fat or build muscle.?

You need extra calories (from mostly protein) to build muscle. You need to have little calories (under your maintenance level) to lose weight, so how do you expect to do both at once.?

Just take the ECA and restrict calories and workout then run after.Health Question & Answer

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