What to do if you are 17 and wet the bed?!

Question: What to do if you are 17 and wet the bed.?
maybe 1 time every month or 2 i wet the bed. what could be causing this problem. i do use the bathroom frequently during the day. most of the times i do pee the bed i have the same dream. the dream is i am going pee in a urinal and then once im halfway done peeing the bed i wake up. if i realize what im doing fast enough i can get the other half in the toliet. but sometimes i realize what im doing to late. its really getting irrating my parents never like me staying at friends house and i cant stay the night at parties and becuase of curfew i have to be home early. this problem is starting to effect my social life and it makes me feel like a little kid when this happens.i dont know if this could be helpful but i do also have sleep parysis dreams once in awhile. so could this problem just be from being a heavy sleeper, a small bladder, a physcolgical problem, or what.? try to help me diagnose what is going on here. this question is actually an important one unlike some of the pointless questions on yahoo

please help 10 points to the best answer and thanks to anyone who tries helpingHealth Question & Answer

there is actually a disorder that adults can have too....its sleep enuresis

the mayo clinic says you should see a dr

you could also try not drinking any water 1-2 hours before your goiong to bed...that way there wont be any urine for your body to excrete during the night

overall...i would see a dr about this and see if there is an underlying problem

good luck!Health Question & Answer

For bedwetters there is nothing that can be done to help them. Most usually grow out of it. Its not your fault it just happens. Try not to drink fluids just before u go to bed and make sure you force yourself to take a leak before u go to bed.Health Question & Answer

try not drinking water or liquids an hour or 2 before bed, definally go to the bathroom before bed, maybe start limiting yourself to 3 bathroom breaks a day, hold it if you gotta to try and train your body to only go those 3 times, hope that helpsHealth Question & Answer

Every time you go to the bathroom, do a quick reality check. Pinch yourself or something. That way in your dream you'll do the same thing.Health Question & Answer

see a doctorHealth Question & Answer

have you been having sex lately, young man.?Health Question & Answer

An urologist should be able to help you.
also they make pads for incontinence, after my prostate operation I have had to use them just in case. I know about dreams of urinating, which is your body telling you that you have to pee. Luckily, I usually wake up in time, but if not I have my pad to take care of it. L:look in your local drug store in the inconstancy section, they usually are called Male Shields and they for men with problems like us.Health Question & Answer

Here, don't drink ANYTHING after 8PM

Try going to the bathroom right before you go to bed. Even if you don't think you can go, just go.

During the day, try to hold in your urine longer than you normally would. That helps practice to keep it in instead of letting it go once you feel it.

And maybe you should go see the doctor. Maybe there is something wrong after all and you can fix it.

And if you worried, get adult diapers. Don't feel embarressed. Just get your parents to get them. Wear them only at night. None of your friends need to know.Health Question & Answer

I've got a younger 10 year old brother who has the same problem but is gradually getting better. At night he wears a liquid sensing pad which sets off an alarm when it starts to get wet. This alarm system is gradually training him to wake up when he gets the urge to go. The only problem we've had is that sometimes when he goes back to bed he doesn't put the sensor back (next to his penis). When I get up at night I check him to make sure he's "wired up".Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you got incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the loss of urine control. It can be a temporary or permanent condition depending on the underlying cause and is more common in women than men. It is difficult to accurately estimate the number of men affected as it is an under reported condition Estimates are in the region of about 5 million men in the United States.

Causes of urinary incontinence

Prostate problems and male urinary incontinence: Difficulty and unpredictability in passing urine is a common feature of prostate abnormalities. It can also be a side effect of total prostatectomy (surgical removal of the prostate).

Head injury and spinal cord injury: Damage to the head or spinal cord due to disease or trauma can result in loss of bladder control as messages passing from the brain to the bladder are interrupted or lost. The loss can be either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Diseases that can cause male urinary incontinence: Neurological diseases, both cancerous and benign, degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis are just some of reasons for loss of urination control.

Infection: In urinary tract infection incontinence may be the only symptom of what can be a serious infection. Treatment is with antibiotics.

The aging process: Organic brain damage that occurs as we get older can affect both the way in which we function and think. Confusion in time and space can result in incontinence. Body parts are also prone to let us down as we age, just normal wear and tear takes its toll.

Toxins: Too much alcohol is one is one of the commoner causes of temporary or one off types of incontinence. Any toxins that effect human functioning can effect our ability to pass urine.

Medications: Common to this type of incontinence are the drugs that have a sedating effect especially if given in high doses.

Mental State: Emotional distress and illness can lead to urinary incontinence.

Types of Male Urinary Incontinence
There are a number of different types of incontinence and they are important in as much as they affect the type of treatment that can be offered to cure or provide maximum assistance to the sufferer.The types are:

Stress incontinence. This is the most common type of incontinence. Urine can leak during coughing, sneezing and laughing, and lifting heavy objects or in any sort of exercise that puts pressure on the bladder.

Urge incontinence. This is when you know you want to urinate but you cannot hold it long enough to make it to the restroom in time. It is experienced by people with conditions such Parkinson's disease, diabetes, after a stroke, in dementia.

Overflow incontinence. This is when the quantity of urine exceeds the capacity of the bladder and leakage of urine then occurs.

Functional incontinence. The knowledge that you want to urinate but because of a physical problem you cannot get to the restroom quickly enough.

Treatment and management of urinary incontinence.

Treatment of urinary incontinence depends on the underlying cause of it. It is important that your family doctor is consulted. The doctor should give you a complete physical and from the information that you give him/her and the tests that can be carried out (often very simple) a diagnosis and treatment can often cure or minimize signs and symptoms of male urinary incontinence.
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