Why am I starting to smell like crap even when I shower every day?!

Question: Why am I starting to smell like crap even when I shower every day.?
I have noticed lately that when I am at school I start to smell like poo a bit. It's not coming out through my pores like it sometimes does when you don't shower, but literally it seems like my but is leaking the smell.

I showever every night. And I know I wipe well. But for some reason my butt just gives off the smell.

Now I am going through puberty and have been for a while - could that have anything to do with it.? It only just started recently and it's really embarrassing because I don't want to be the guy that 'smells like crap'.

Any help would be great. Thanks.Health Question & Answer

Some years ago we had a young man like that he smelled really bad. What it turned out to be was a vitman problem, he was short some and he did not eat the way he should. We also found a temperary cure. he had small hairs all over his body to which would collect any amount of sweat. We was living in Okinawa at the time. He shaved it all off, I mean all of it yes that included his privates. He showered two and three times a day. It did take care of it for a little while but slowly it returned. We sent him to sick bay to which said he needed a better diet and a some vitmans. They gave him some along with some other meds. It did clear up but by that time is time over there was done so went sent him home. Never heard any thing about him after that. I guess he is or was doing OK, but he stunk so bad he would gage a maget from a gut truck. Health Question & Answer

Its probably the smell of bacteria that thrives on sweat. You can kill it without burning or hurting the skin with a mixture of half cider vinegar and half water. Just splash it on and when it dries see if the smell is still there. If it comes back the next day, you might need another treatment.Health Question & Answer

might have something to do with what you eat, or the passing of gas, try using a little baking soda on your wash cloth. It kills order..If not, then see a Dr to see it theres a problem,Good luck guy.Health Question & Answer

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