The older I get the stronger I get but I become more sore?!

Question: The older I get the stronger I get but I become more sore.?
I have been bodybuilding, natural, for some time. In a way I got stronger, at least I guess, but once I hit 30 years old it went down hill as far as recovery and the amount of pain I get when sore. Is this part of the aging process.?Health Question & Answer

It's normal when you enter middle age to experience a slower healing process. This is a natural part of the way your body changes as you get older. The increased pain you feel might be related to this, or it might be because you have more experience in weight training, and can go farther into the fatigue zone of your muscle safely, so you're breaking down more muscle fibers, that hurt as they heal. also you may have a larger muscle that you're working on now, so there's simply more tissue that's damaged by your workout, and therefore more pain as you recover.

By the way, my reference to damaged tissue isn't meant to suggest that you're doing anything wrong. As you probably know, the weight training process is to stress the muscle beyond its normal range. This damages some of the muscle fibers, and when they heal the muscle grows larger.Health Question & Answer

It could be age process however I highly doubt it, well at 30 anyway, maybe you've changed your warm up, warm down.? Or you've changed a supplement you might off been using.? or changed your training schedule.? Many different factors come into it so unless your a bit more specific not a lot people can do also i'd recommend maybe a multi-vitamin or something similar help out the amino acids in your muscles and more water.? but as your a body builder i guess you knew most of that anyway. Health Question & Answer

Constant pressure being put on your joints will inevitably wear them down. if this is muscle pain you are talking about then it is likely a problem of age, just because your body cannot replenish its muscle and build more as quickyl as it used to. (You could space out your work-outs and still build as much muscle!).

However, if it is joint pain it is likely from years of body building, also pain within your bones could be caused by nutrition problems, constant strain, or again, age.

If you go for heavy weights, you've been at higher risk of joint damage.Health Question & Answer

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