Penis Pains After Masturbation?!

Question: Penis Pains After Masturbation.?
There are some days where I masturbate a lot more then others... and yesterday was one of those days... All day either as I was getting an erection... or right after masturbation... and rarely during masturbation... my penis began to hurt... not like a heat pain more like a soft spot pain... if you get me. The pain feels like its on the inside.. but I can feel it from between the Tip of my penis to where it meets my body

I dont know why this is... sometimes it lasts a good bit other times it goes away fast.

Can you tell me the reason for this and if it is something I should be worried about.?

also, on a different subject of pain... sometimes (not always, on rare occations) after I ejaculate... the inside of the tip of my penis feels hot... almost like a burning feeling only for a couple of seconds after ejactulation... the pain usually feels as hot as the semen after it has been released... Is this also a problem.?Health Question & Answer

You're probably just being too rough. If you really think you shouldn't be lubing up, then you're totally missing out. Lube makes for a way better and more pleasant experience and there's nothing wrong with that. As far as the burning after ejaculating, have you ever been in cold water and went to the bathroom and peed.? It kind of burns because the external part of your urethra is cooler than the urine exiting it, and the body can over exaggerate the sensation, making it seem like it burns. The same goes for ejaculating, especially if you're in a cold room or like to have your A/C on really high. The warmer ejaculation is giving you the sensation that there is some burning going on, but it's just a perception. Anyway, you really should try lubricating. My ex didn't believe me but when he tried it he went through a whole tube in two weeks. Health Question & Answer

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