Does The Men Penis Go Shorter As They Ages Above 65? Factors Involved? Statistics?!

Question: Does The Men Penis Go Shorter As They Ages Above 65.? Factors Involved.? Statistics.?
The shaft gets shorter-almost non existent-and the balls get big.Make that VERY BIG!!!! And the whole things gets as wrinkled as a sharpei.Health Question & Answer

I'm guessing that is true. It seems unlikely that it would get larger. It does shrink. That is my final answer.

Oh, my friend Aiden says that when you get older because of stuff that is or isn't going on down there the size changes. So when you get way older you lose some stuff so it shrinks. About an inch or two.

answer mine. easy 10.
.?qid=20080922202413AAAXYTe&r=w"> Question & Answer

yes the muscle contrations takes place and the organ gets tighter the gpas in between the muscles get narrower due to contractions and when etrect does not extend to the length as they were during the younger days. Health Question & Answer

No, it grows after age 65..eventually it gets so long it must be wrapped around the body and carried. Good luck and I hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

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