Are Penises Supposed to Have a Smell?!

Question: Are Penises Supposed to Have a Smell.?
I am 20 yrs. old and am not very experienced with sex. I have been dating my boyfriend for about 9 months and we decided to take things to another level. We have not had full intercourse but I have been giving him hand jobs. The thing is that while I give him one, he has a slight odor and it kind of makes me nauseated. This isn't the first time his penis has had a slight smell. It only happens when his penis gets wet from the seminal fluid.

Is this normal or is he just not washing everything right downstairs.?
I know i would never allow him to touch me down below unless I have either washed it or have showered and it's surprising to me that he doesn't care. He smells fine all over but that area has a scent.

SHould I Just get used to this.?

He wants me to give him oral, but i won't bc i can barely stand giving a simple handjob, lol.

I also thought that I'd mention that he is a virgin.Health Question & Answer

well if the area isnt clean then there's a smell
if it is clean ... then no smell until the fluid comes
and the fluid has a smell (for everyone)

so u can get used to the fluid smell but not the rest..Health Question & Answer

It only happens when his penis gets wet from the seminal fluid.
It is the seminal fluid that you are smelling
if he cuts down on alcohol, red meat, garlic and onions it would make a big difference in the smellHealth Question & Answer

Well, a penis is not supposed to smell like a field of roses, but then again it shouldn't smell like a bargeload of rotting eels, either.Health Question & Answer

I am sure he will say the same about you, when he trys to give you oral. there a smell....Health Question & Answer

1. yes.
2. check his diet
3. no.

the virgin better be over 18+ or there may be t r o u b l eHealth Question & Answer

It might pay dividends to discuss your concerns with your significant other, Leslie. Telling the truth will always set you free to proceed to deeper levels of intimacy, whereas concealment will only encourage unnecessary confrontation and emotional pain.

But to begin: here's a bit of friendly advice: The first thing people should do when washing their genitals is to always use ONLY clear, clean water. Soaps should never be used (as one person suggested), as soap tends to kill the friendly bacteria living on and within genital folds. When that occurs the area is opened to infections. Unfriendly smells inevitably follow. Pharmacy shelves are filled with female preparations to counter this problem, but similar infections can also become an issue for men. When infections do occur, it is necessary to first kill the bad bacteria which have infested the area, and to then re-populate the region with good bacteria. A good source of "friendly" bacteria is ... live yogurt. One doctor even suggested smearing yogurt directly onto the area in question.

Having said that, it should be understand that normal, healthy bodies do have unique odors. Your boyfriend's body does, and so does yours. Those smells peculiar to our sexual organs can be especially unique, but we often become so inured to our own bodies that we can no longer distinguish how unusual the smell may seem to other people. From this distance, however, it's impossible to say whether your boyfriend is perfectly clean and healthy, or if he has a problem. Just tell him that you are having difficulties with this aspect of sexuality. Perhaps you can then get to the root of the problem.

Finally, may we assume that your BF is intact.? That would be to everyone's credit, as it ensures that his body is normal and sexually whole. I would just encourage him to always wash beneath his foreskin with water, only, just as you wash your own genitals.


Health Question & Answer

When men are uncircumcised, meaning that you have to pull the foreskin back and forth, there is a chance that the penis may smell, even right after taking a shower. I personally prefer men that are circumcised because it happens to be more hygienic, however is not a deal breaker. He should wash his penis more often, some men don't even use soap, He should use deodorant soap with anti bacterial, what you smell is the smegma or a substance release by uncircumcised penises. When it comes in contact with pre-seminal fluids it produces a faulty smell, like fishy sort of. Again, tell him that he needs to wash his member better, by pulling the foreskin, rinsing it with water then apply soap, then rinsing it again, then repeat. He should also get it erect or hard so that he gets anything that becomes trapped when he becomes flacid or soft. Best of luck. Health Question & Answer

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