Should I get a vasectomy?!

Question: Should I get a vasectomy.?
Hi, I'm currently 20 years of age and I have been considering getting a non-permanent vasectomy. Can anyone give me insight on the pro's and con's of this type of operation.
How much does it cost.? Do you recommend it.? What are the risks.? I just don't want to run the risk of having children before I find the right girl and am ready.Health Question & Answer

I dont know what a "non permanant" one is. I got a permanant one, and it was the single smartest thing I ever did. I was 22 when I went to get one. Today I am 41 w/ no kids and so grateful I never got that unexpected Father's Day card.

Insurance paid for mine. I only had to pay the $10 copay. Best 10 bucks I ever spent!

I sure dont understand all these people who dont seem to realize that condoms FAIL.

And anyone who says "just dont have sex".. What the hell is up with that.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

here is the thing about vasectomies
1. there is pain always the amount of pain varies on the person
2. they are reversal
3. but its suggested to store your sperm still as a safety procedure
(in the reversal sometimes only one testicle will end up working and the other stops, as odd as it is it does happen)
4. the cost varies $1000-7000 in to days world and insurance may or may not pay for it (varies in your hmo/insurance)

pros: don't have to worry about the 5% failure rate of condoms and the 1-5% failure rate of the pill (varies on type of pill given to woman)
cons: pain (again varies), cost, chance it may not be reversible, chance you may end up with only one testicle able to produce sperm

5. vasectomies procedures; there are actually 3 types done 2 of them are reversible. Health Question & Answer


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