Is masterbatting everyday a bad thing if your a boy?!

Question: Is masterbatting everyday a bad thing if your a boy.?
i masterbate every day and im tired of it i cant stop and i want to stop. so can you help me stop and tell me if its a bad thing or notHealth Question & Answer

Dude, why would you want to stop.?
90% of all teen guys masturbate, 2/3 of women do too!
It is a perfectly natural thing to want to do that. Most guys just discover it one day, and dont stop because it feels so good. I used to want to quit. I really really did, i'm not even kidding. My strong moral beliefs led me to believe that it was wrong to masturbate. Actually, i was wrong. Even if you resist, it is almost impossible to stop completely. Masturbation relieves built up stress, both physically, mentally, and sexually. It releases hormones that make you feel relieved and satisfied. Actually, masturbation actually reduces some of the risk of prostate cancer! (a fact) This is what i want you to do. Get in the shower, or your room, or somewhere else private, and masturbate. Learn to enjoy the feelings of pleasure and experiment with them. Lie down, and really take in your feelings of pleasure and focus on the greatness of them. Learn to appreciate what was given to you and how to use it. In the end, masturbation is a very rewarding experience! Go onto
It is absolutely the best site ever for masturbation! You can learn anything you want there, from what it is, how you do it, why you do it, and different ways you can do it! It was the first place i really understood what masturbation was, and jackinworld really helped my in my masturbation. I really hoped i help you better understand that masturbation is normal, healthy, and fun.
Best wishes,
~Bob FlaffyHealth Question & Answer

Actually masturbating is very good for your health, and once a day is perfect. Wikipedia states that:

"A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

Put another way - having at least two orgasms a week halves your chance of dying between the ages of 45 and 59.

You can see how this makes sense - when you masturbate your heart beats faster, and your breathing speeds up. Since the heart and lungs are two of the most important organs in the body, any safe activity that exercises them is good for your general health.

Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers masturbate at least six times a week. It is thought that regular ejaculation clears the prostate gland of chemicals that can cause cancer.

I'm still trying to understand why some boys get tired of it and want to stop - I've always loved it. Fantasies - sexy daydreams - are important; also, many boys never get beyond the basic methods, and miss out on a lot of pleasure. Have a look at

At the bottom of each page, click on "to next page" until you reach the end of the section.

In the expert section, some of the techniques are a bit strange; you should heed any warning to be careful, and be sure to keep everything clean. Just about every possibility is included here. We're all different - just try what appeals to you, and you should have a lot of fun.

Don't use porn - that causes a lot of problems.

This is worth reading - be sure to read it ALL THROUGH, as the beginning is a bit confusing:

The urge to masturbate is unlikely to go away - it's part of our desire to reproduce. So if you can learn to enjoy it I'm sure you should. Email me if you want to discuss further.Health Question & Answer

Hi. If you don't want to do it anymore... and you can't stop; Yes. It's a bad thing... If it interferes with everyday life it's a big issue... You may even have a bit of a sex addiction and need real help. I'm sure there's a sex addicts anonymous around you and they can really help you and won't judge. You could try and look it up online and see if it's something you're interested...Health Question & Answer

Medically, masturbation is cool. It releases tension. Science discards out any possibility of weakness, pimples, running out of semen etc.
We all know it feels great, everytime u have it. So go 4 it boy.

If god didn't want us to masturbate, he wudn't have given us longer hands :) Health Question & Answer

no it's not a bad thing..I'm a girl and i do it everyday.
(multiple times) and it's perfectly fine..

no one can help you stop but yourself..
(unless you have a girl with you thats willing.haha)

but why would you want to.?Health Question & Answer

its only bad is ur masturbatting 24/7 and do nothing else, but its healthy because studies show that people who masturbate often have less chance to get testicular cancer

mine.? .?qid=20081007195105AABNeYJ">;...Health Question & Answer

No, that's not a bad thing. I also stick small things in my peehole before I *** in my sister's belly. Like, a small piece of lead. You should try it!Health Question & Answer

Hell no! I do multiple times. It's not bad. It's good. Plus it reduces the risk of prostate cancer.Health Question & Answer

just dont do it self controll...
iknow it feels like you probably cant
stop but you's up to youHealth Question & Answer

it may seam like you want to stop but everybody dose to feel good. you may end up stopping when you have sex.Health Question & Answer

Masturbating is a good thing. Do it every night if you can.Health Question & Answer

No, all that jerking off is a great thing! At least you're not doing drugs or getting someone pregnant.Health Question & Answer

it is not bad do as many times a day as you wish as long as you still keep up with your social life Health Question & Answer

actualy, i been told its healthy.Health Question & Answer

it is normal and healthyHealth Question & Answer

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