Should I be worried? Blood infection?!

Question: Should I be worried.? Blood infection.?
I used to have extreme anxiety and was manic depressive. When I would have anxiety attacks (sometimes a few times daily) I would throw up. This went on for a long time (2 yrs) until I thankfully was able to stop. This was 2 yrs ago and I only just now told my family about it. Therefore, for almost 3 years I have not gone to the dentist due to fear that someone would find out what had happened due to the bad shape my teeth were in from the purging. I finally got the courage to go to the dentist and have made an appointment but can't get in for 2 weeks. I am very scared though because I have been feeling "off" for the last 2 days. I have been reading up on tooth decay leading to blood infections and can result in death. How would someone feel that has a blood infection. What should I look for. I know I may be way off base and paranoid but I need some honest answers.Health Question & Answer

Relax - blood infections (septicemia, sepsis, blood poisoning) usually cause very high fevers or low body temperature along with severe symptoms. If you had septicemia, you would already be in the hospital.

There is little that is unique about tooth decay and blood infections - anything that causes bleeding can cause blood infections, but people with normal immune systems usually don't face much of a risk.

The type of tooth decay that causes sepsis is a deep infection that kills the nerves inside the tooth. Bacteria attacks the dead tissues and then causes the infection to spread below the roots of the teeth and into the bone and surrounding tissues. You would know it if you had an infected tooth - this type of toothache is among the most painful things a person might encounters in their entire lifetime. Antibiotics usually stop the infection if it is caught within the first few days after a toothache develops.

So, if you have not had an extremely unbearable toothache, your teeth are not presently putting you at risk for a blood infection. Health Question & Answer

dont be on yahoo answers,theres all sorts of scary stuff like(dont read the following sentence unless u feel like a freakin crazy urge.try not to read it)someone with herpes can touch a doorknob,and it can live on that for 48 hours and then u could touch it and rub ur eyes and then go blind (ok resume my message here).just brush ur teeth,and if u have an anxiety attack,then watch youtube,it calms me down :)Health Question & Answer

If you have a tooth infection it can spread, but to fix it you need to have a dentist work with you, you shold discuss oral conscious sedation and or anxiolosis medication during you consul if you are having high anxiety, Basically maintianig oral helath will prvent blood infections, so you need to be stabilized by a dentist first if you issues with your teeth, once you have been sabilized and maintain proper oral hygiene you dont really have to worry about blood infection or the infection you mayhave with your teeth from spreading. It avoiding treatment that is the enemy not the treatment.Health Question & Answer

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