Getting wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow, I'm Scared!?!

Question: Getting wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow, I'm Scared!.?
I don't know why but I am scared about getting my wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow. I am getting knocked out for the procedure but I am scared about what it is going to be like when I wake up. If you had to give the rating of pain from 1-10 what would you give the pain level. I have one soft tissue impacted and the others are already fully in. I don't know if that changes things or not. also one of my teeth beside the wisdom teeth that is impacted has caused my other tooth to get a really bad cavity, which I was told probably needs a root canal, I am scared about that as well. When I got braces I had 4 other teeth pulled to make room for the braces, is it anything like that.? Anyone with any advice on how to relax or how there procedure was I would really appreciate it! Thanks!Health Question & Answer

i got 3 wisdom teeth pulled last year and it was actually really cool i loved it actually haha i remember the doctor talking to me [btw i HATE doctors] while he was putting me on laughing gas and after a bit i noticed they were going to put an IV in my arm which is the ONE thing i hate more then Anything so i freaked out a little bit but then they put it in and i started laughing...i didnt feel it at all maby like someone was poking the bend of my arm and that was it i think after that he asked me like 2 questions and i was OUT next thing i know my mom is next to me and i am crying hysterically but it wasent bad it felt good i had to be rolled out in a wheel chair cause i obvieously couldent drive and when i got in the car i started laughing like iv never laughed before my mom was making fun of me a little bit cause i was all druged up but i didnt care i didnt even start to feel anything until after being home for a few hours and it didnt really hurt the next day i woke up with some pain was more anoying then painfull tho on a scale of 1 to 10 id say....4.6 maby but nothing you shouldent be able to handle for a coupple days i will tell u this though...hydros will be your Friend for the next week or so don't forget to take them or it may start to actually hurt after the sergery i did not move for a day and a half it was awesome expecially to be on laughing gas i was scared to but it turned out to be not bad AT ALL good luck=]Health Question & Answer

Everyone is different, my friend got all 4 removed and was drinking a beer the next day; I, on the other hand, was in so much pain that I couldn't work for a week and literally looked like a got punched on both sides of my face. The worst part was the headache that didn't go away for 3 weeks.

I hope I dont scare you even more but seriously pop the vicodin they give you and enjoy a few movies for the next few days.Health Question & Answer

i got my first year molars pulled.
they knocked me out.
it bleeds after ....may hurt a bit.
but not that bad. & u get cold icecream & other goodies after:)Health Question & Answer

I can't really help you with the root canal, but I think I can help with the wisdom teeth. I personally had 12 teeth pulled total for braces-related reasons, some baby, some adult, and I just recently got my wisdom teeth out.

About the procedure: I got into the dentist's office and they gave me laughing gas, then they gave me general anesthetic which put me right to sleep. I woke up apparently an hour later. You'll probably be nervous and scared but once you get in there and they give you laughing gas, you'll relax without even trying. I am petrified of needles so I hate getting teeth pulled but I can tell you honestly that I was out of it before the procedure even started. Don't worry about it.

The simplest thing and hopefully the most helpful thing I can tell you about afterwords is that it feels just like getting your other teeth pulled out. There are only two differences I can think of.
1. The pain is just like getting your other teeth out, not more painful or less, but it lasts longer (in days)
2. Even though it hurts a lot, you can eat sooner since wisdom teeth are pretty out of the way from where we usually chew.
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

in 1985, when I had mine dug out I went out the night before to Bourbon St in New Orleans, was at the dentist office for 7 am; I went home to sleep; then got up on my own for 6 am the next day to go down a river in an inner tube -- having fun; I got separated from my group of friends who had my meds. so all the other groups of tubers were giving me handfuls of ice. I didn't have much pain; the ice was to bring the swelling down. No need to be scared, worried, or whatever.
Relax, the more you relax the less you might feel; beg these people to NOT tell you when you are about to get stuck w/ the needle. When we here "quick prick" we automatically tense up, its a natural thing. but if you don't know when its coming you might not feel it.Health Question & Answer

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