The dentist.... will it hurt and can i ask to go to sleep?!

Question: The dentist.... will it hurt and can i ask to go to sleep.?
The dentist says that i have to drill out a filling because it has a leak and he needs to clean it up and i have just found another tooth thats rotting and hurts if i push it but i just had an xray 3 weeks ago can they come that fast.?
and will it hurt to do.?
and can i be asked to be put asleep.?
and is there some other way to fix it.?Health Question & Answer


I used to be absolutley petrified of dentists. Infact, I was so scared that I had small panic/anxiety attacks when my parents said they'd booked me an appointment. I was stupid enough though to go 9 years without visiting a dentist (bad move).

This year, I got a badly infected tooth (periapical abscess which is an infection at the 'root' of the tooth below the gum line). It got very serious, and there was no way I could avoid going to the dentist.

When I got there, I was massivley freaking out, and I had to go to the hospital to get dental xrays, and a script of antibiotics.

Anyhow, when I go to the actual dentists chair, I was going physco (not that physco, but I was majorly panicing). I was afraid it was going to hurt, I was tearing up (shamefully heh).
Then, they gave me the WONDER drugs.

- Nitrous Oxide (happy gas). It doesn't send you to sleep.

Dentists surgeries (normal dentists that you go to for check ups and what not) don't use a General Anesthetic unless they're a PERIODONTIST or and ENDODONTIST (surgical dentists: specalists).
They use a form of LOCAL anesthetic instead, which 'numbs the area quite effectively, BUT they do have this marvellous Nitrous Oxide!!!

Like I said, it doesn't send you to sleep, but really, truely relaxes the patient right down. A few good, deep breaths of the stuff, and you'll be fine.

They will then inject the local anesthetic into the gum. They'll wait a while, and then test to see if it works.

Seeing as you're having drilling done, don't worry it really doesnt' hurt in the slightest. You WILL feel vibration. Alot of it. It will feel as though you're biting down on a buzzing or moving electric toothbrush! It doesn't hurt though. AT ALL! They'll then use the 'filling' paste, to re-fill the tooth, and shine that special UV light on it, and presto. Tooth done.

3 weeks is no time at all, and if you didn't have a 'bad' cavity at the time of the xray, you wont have one now.. BUT!!! some cavities dentists choose to leave, for a while- if they're not to serious, to fill at a later date, when there's enough decay.

If the dentist DID leave a small cavity, there's a slim chance it may have a small infection- but unlikley.

Best to ask your dentist about it.

- - - - - - - -

DEFINATLEY get the Nitrous Oxide. You're obviously anxious about the trip to the dentist, and it's the best thing in the world for someone that's anxious!!!

It is very safe to say my fear of dentists has indeed been totally cured.

I ask him alot of questions, and that helps me get through it. Nitrous Oxide, I don't even need any more.

You may have to ask for the Nitrous Oxide when you go in, because they don't give it automatically to every patient.

I've been to the dentist now 12 times in the last 6 months, since that first serious visit (I had to have that abscessed tooth extracted and the abscess drained and the socket cleaned! That didn't even hurt!)

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