Hard, white bump on the inside of my lip?!?!

Question: Hard, white bump on the inside of my lip.?!.?
So I was on the computer not really doing anything and I felt a sort of small bump, but I thought it was just a canker sore forming (I get a lot of canker sores) so I ignored it. A little later that day I went to go eat and as I ate I noticed that it had gotten noticeably larger. It feels like a rock-hard, round marble or BB pellet or something. It's on the inside of my bottom lip. It's sort of clear/white and it doesn't really hurt but it's really obnoxious. What the heck is this thing and should I do anything or just ignore it.?Health Question & Answer

You have a mucocoele.
Check out this site;


coinquee is talking about a traumatic fibroma....it could be this, but the clear/white color seems to indicate that it is filled with saliva or mucous.Health Question & Answer

it might be a mucous cyst. it's just a benign bump with mucous inside of it.

i got one once by unintentionally, and continuously biting the same spot on the inside of my bottom lip.

**here's the gross part**

it eventually grew really really big, and turned blue when i tried to burst it. once it burst, all that came out was mucous and a little bit of blood. then everything was fine.

they're normal. if you're worried, then you can go to your dentist and have it surgically removed.Health Question & Answer

I had something similar and it turned out to be an infection from using old lipstick that had been laying around. I guess I'd wait a couple of days and see if it changes then call a dermHealth Question & Answer

It sounds like a coldsore, don't share any drinks or food. It will go away in time. If it's not a coldsore go see the dentist!Health Question & Answer

Go see a doctor!Health Question & Answer

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