If your treating psychiatist had a mental illness?!

Question: If your treating psychiatist had a mental illness.?
Do you agree/disagree that someone with a stabilised mental illness (would make a good) could practise as a psychiatrist, psychologist or councillor.?

Assuming that the person in question had the intellectual ability to complete the study required.

also if your therapist disclosed to you that they had a treated mental illness, how would this affect your sessions.?

Im not looking to change my career..im just curious on what people think. Please feel free the elaborate on your reasons why. :-)Health Question & Answer

I see no conflict in a person with a stabilized mental illness treating patients assuming they also check in with a therapist now and again to be sure they are keeping perspective and staying on track.

It is not common for therapists to divulge anything so personal as medical history to a patient. I don't think that it is appropriate in any circumstance. It should be enough for them to feel you have empathy for their situation because you deal with similar situations everyday; they do not need to hear you deal with similar issues personally.

Have you read Kay Redfield Jamison's books.? She is a doctor who is quite well known and who suffers from bipolar disorder. It may give you a little insight from someone who is actually ill and out there. :0)

Best of luck.Health Question & Answer

I think it would depend entirely on the disorder and the level of stability with it. Some disorders like schizophrenia could actually be better than less obvious disorders like bipolar or depression. A person who is coping with schizophrenia can sometimes acknowledge their symptoms and act outside of their influence as in "I know that the voices are not real and I am going to attempt to ignore them." also, a person coping with such an illness would be capable of empathizing better. A person with depression or bipolar disorder whose psychosis is more emotionally based might have it affect their opinion of the person being treated and not realize it.Health Question & Answer

Many people enter the psychiatric field after dealing with their own mental illnesses. As long as it was obviously under control, it wouldn't bother me, however, I think it would be unprofessional for a therapist to disclose this information about themselves.On the other hand, it can be helpful to know that people can and do function as normal with a mental illness. All in all, it's not the worst thing in the worldHealth Question & Answer

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