How to be less overwhelmed?!

Question: How to be less overwhelmed.?
My life, with my husband, is so busy and crazy and I feel completely overwhelmed. I am a teacher, and end up working a lot of hours after school. I work at an alternative school, and there are many behaviour problems, as well as emotional and academic problems. There is also conflict among staff members themselves.

My husband works shift work -- which means we do not have a regular schedule of any kind, and he is tired so much of the time when he is home.

He works every other weekend, and his kids from a previous marriage over the other weekend, come over the other weekends. We are still adjusting to being a stepfamily, after only eight years of marriage.

We live in a 915 sq. ft. home, and our place is a mess. We are both so tired when we get home, and it is so crowded in our home. We have only be married for 8 months, and our marriage takes a lot of work, too, to work through our normal differences.

I feel so overwhelmed! How can I be less overwhelmed.? I am naturally sensitive, and everything just feels so overwhelming that I think I should quit my job, or do something else.

any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

Oh boy -- I remember those days. My husband worked shift work, we had my two kids from my first marriage and our house was about the same size. Early on, I said something about the stress to my doctor during my annual exam and he prescribed uppers to help me during the day and downers to help me get to sleep at night. I took those little pills for three days and decided they certainly weren't going to help the situation.

It took a while, but I discovered that getting organized helped immensely. also discovered setting aside alone time for just my husband and me without ANY distractions was crucial -- along with time for just me.

But, it wasn't until my heart problem was discovered when I was 33 and I was placed in the cardio-pulmonary program that I found out exercise put my mind and spirit in line with what I really needed. Exercise boosted my metabolism and gave me so much energy. And I also started to think about the little things that were swallowing my time and I wondered "If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, how important would this problem really be.? Would somebody else pick up where I left off.? How important is it -- really.?"

I think about that still, and it helps put the minor stuff into perspective. May sound morbid, but since I was on the verge of death way back then -- still am -- it helps me not get consumed and overwhelmed. I still save Tuesday evenings for "me" time. I give myself a facial, take a long hot bath, deep condition my hair and apply moisturizer all over instead of just my quick slop on the face, arms and legs. I'm 50 now, and the "me" time is now a ritual.

Oh -- and I thought quitting my job would help, too .... so I did, and the same feelings followed me to the next job, and the next, until I changed my attitude -- and started exercising and got organized.

You have just been married for 8 months and you haven't found your rhythm yet. It takes time and experience, but you WILL find it. Don't be hard on yourself, or your husband. And talk to yourself on your ride home, visualize yourself in total control -- that is a wonderful tool of empowerment. And, when you start to feel overwhelmed, stop, close your eyes, breathe and visualize. Health Question & Answer

Take a deep breath several times a day. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose expanding your stomach. Then breathe out through your mouth slowly. This does not change your circumstances, but it can help you calm yourself so you can take a fresh look at your surroundings. With a fresh look, you can see what you can change first. Take things one at a time and you will feel less overwhelmed. You can't do it all at once.Health Question & Answer

It will take a lot of love and understanding to make a marriage work, esp under circumstances that can challenge you. Its impt to bond wt the person you marry but if you both hv little time, be wary of the pitfalls.

To destress you can learn to meditate, it usually will give you focus, slows your sense of anxiety. If you like you can download and read this free ebook on coping with stress, which has useful tips to get you by: Question & Answer

Thank God you don't have any kids of your own and enjoy the time when it is just you and your husband. Walking helps me with stress. I try to walk every day. If I were you, I would start looking for a job that is less stressful so that you can give more attention to your marriage.Health Question & Answer

kick that ****** out of bed ealry in the morning and he can do some housework.i hate lazy men. women now work and they end up doing all the work in the home as well. Health Question & Answer

Ok, take a day off, if your teachin highschool, set a release class, try to do this when your boyfrined has the day off, sleep in, clean the house with your boyfrined all day! it will be gruesome, but get it over with, i just cleaned mine for 3 hours, it was brutal, but i apreaciated it so much when i when to bed! then after your done cleaning, (buy some storage boxes for help, and put them in a closet, and donate to a christian based salvation army type of thing) then at night, buy some take out, eat in bed, and treat your hubby to a little bit of funHealth Question & Answer

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