I was so wrong, now I am depressed over a short haircut.?!

Question: I was so wrong, now I am depressed over a short haircut..?
I had long beautiful hair that went to the lower part of my back. But I got a wild hair up my but and decided to cut it now it is to my shoulders. I thought I was ready, but I certainly was not. I was not too depressed about it until 2 days after, then the depression sunk in. I feel so ugly and less feminine now. I look in the mirror and do not see myself, but an ugly person. I feel so dumb, I know it is just hair and it will grow back, but right now I feel such a huge loss, I can barley eat, sleep or function at work. I have had some panic attacks and shake because thinking and stressing over it, which I know is stupid. I am married and my husband is supportive and has helped me with this / told me I look great and everything will be ok, but I still feel at a loss. I feel so self conscious about myself. Have you or anyone you know experienced this.? How did they cope.? What are some great hair growing products.? Health Question & Answer

I had a similar experience when I shaved my beard.

I can relate to what you say about looking in the mirror and not seeing yourself. In my case, what was weird was not so much that I looked different from what I looked like with the beard (that would be understandable.) Rather, I was convinced that I looked differerent from what I looked like before I started growing the beard! Completely irrational, I know, but it was as if I was convinced that my face had changed during the one year or so during which I had the beard.

so it was difficult to look into a mirror. I did not see myself. and yes, I thought the "new" me was a lot uglier than the way I had visualized myself to have looked.

But in time, my face worked its way back into shape! lol

I suspect that when you look in the mirror, you are focusing on the lack of hair, rather than accepting your new look for what it is. It is the comparison with something gone that causes you to look bad to yourself. To put it bluntly: short hair IS less attractive than long hair IF your criterion for attractiveness is length of hair! It's a mental trap you have gotten yourself into. A futile exercise in circular reasoning that will get you nowhere.

Try this: when you are out and about, look for women with shoulder length hair, or shorter, who you think are attractive! After you do that for awhile, I bet you'll be able to look in the mirror and say, "Hey, I'm at least as good as they are!" :)

And your husband thinks you look great! not every woman has a husband who says that to her :)

Oh, by the way, I'm still clean shaven!Health Question & Answer

you kinda feel like you lost your identity hah.? Well you can go get a wig, have extentions put in (they even sell some decent ones at Sallys) or just start doing fun things with the short hair.

Look at really cute feminine women who have the short hair, they are still womanly and soft! Like Victoria Beckham, Katie Holmes, Jennifer Anniston and Courtney Cox have done it, so has Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna!

It will grow back! Health Question & Answer

try going to the mall and buy a chunk of hair you could also get some extensions. just remember how adventurous you are and keep telling yourself that and how brave it was to cut it off and maybee look at pics of other woman who got the short do and see it is beautiful to have short hairHealth Question & Answer

Hey --

I'm just wondering if there is something else going on in your life and you are displacing it onto the loss of your hair.?.?

It's not too normal to be depressed about this ... (sorry, I don't mean that in a mean way at all) ... perhaps you should seek counselling of some sort if your depression continues.

Good luck !Health Question & Answer

Have you seen all the bald women around today.? Count your blessings dear, you

are very fortunate you have most of yours and are not bald due to cancer treatments, then I could sympathize w/you. It will grow back faster than you think. You do not realize how good you have it.Health Question & Answer

not being funny or anything but it wont be DEPRESSION from a haircut. Maybe u will feel sad but at the end of the day its only hair n it will grow back. And why would you feel ugly just because of your hair being short.? Health Question & Answer

oh my god, look at the kids in africa and you're whining about your haircut.?

who cares.?

lol "how did they cope.?"Health Question & Answer

Over the summer I cut about 4 inches off of my platinum blond hair, and darkened it with lowlights. My hair wouldn't style any way I liked it and I cried about it everyday when I styled it. I felt very unattractive and felt like i looked like a boy. I wore it up in a ponytail almost everyday.

It is a really big change to cut or dye your hair. I am sure you look beautiful, you just aren't used to it. My whole reasoning behind cutting my hair is because it was damaged by styling tools and bleach. So I've spent the past couple months babying my hair. I cut down on shampooing, invested in some really great deep conditioners which I use once a week.

As far as growing, I believe I read that it grows about an inch every 2 months. It has been almost 5 months and has grown about 2-3 inches. You can't necessarily make your hair grow faster but you can keep it in the best condition possible.
I learned a lot of things from this website

It takes patience, and I hated when people told me this but it will grow back. Just try not to stress about it, and learn to love your hair. You are a beautiful woman and your husband thinks so too.

Good luck to you :)
Health Question & Answer

I chopped off about 10" the first time I cut mine short. I went from below my brastrap to chin-length. I almost cried the first time I washed it. However, I received many compliments and started finding ways to style it, and also realized that the style is a lot more modern and my hair is so much easier to care for. I still mourn not being able to run a long french braid down the middle, but I also realized that it will only take a couple of years to grow it back to that length, and in the big picture, two years is really not all that long.

Just remember that it will grow back, so find something to like about it until then - maybe it's the ease of drying and styling your hair, or maybe it's the fact that you spend less money on shampoo/conditioner or even less time getting tangles out.Health Question & Answer

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