Holding in weed smoke when you take a hit?!

Question: Holding in weed smoke when you take a hit.?
Is it true you get more high the longer you hold a hit in.?..was always curiousHealth Question & Answer

yes, but only to a point. It only enters the blood as long as there is oxygen/co2 exchange and that doesn't go on forever, only until the pressures equalize between the gas in your blood and the gas in your lungs.

It also holds toxins in the lungs longer, and yes, weed smoke is toxic just like all smoke. I smoke tobacco, so that's no public health message.

Back in the hippie days, when grass was cheap and easy to get, and people smoked joints, nobody really worried about trying to get the most out of a single toke. That didn't happen until it got all expensive.Health Question & Answer

Despite a lot of people saying it is true it's not at all. THC is absorbed instantly so holding in the smoke any longer just causes more damage. People think it feels like more of a hit but that's just because your holding your breath and you may start to get a little light headed.Health Question & Answer

It does man!

When holding it in, make yourself cough... you can feel the smoke moving around your lungs which trips you out!!!!!Health Question & Answer

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