What do you think of drugs?!

Question: What do you think of drugs.?
do you think drugs are bad.?
please answer these questions to me

a) to me, a drug is...
b) one thing i have trouble believing about drugs is...
c) one thing i believe about drugs is...
d) a law concerning drug is...
e) to me, the difference between drug use and drug abuse is...
f) a law concerning drugs i would like to see changed is...
g) one reason teenagers use drug is...
h) some teenagers smoke today even though it causes severe health problems because...
i) one negative effect the use of tobacco/ alcohol/ drugs has on my body is...
j) teenagers are influenced to the greatest extent by...
k) hearing someone brag about drinking at a party is...
l) coming to school stoned is...
m) when my friends are smoking, i...
n) one thing i would like to learn about drugs is...

10 points for these questions please and thank you
ASAP ( as soon as possible) Health Question & Answer

a) to me, a drug is... needed by certain people for medical reasons
b) one thing i have trouble believing about drugs is... that laws aren't more stricter when someone is found dealing them.
c) one thing i believe about drugs is... certain drugs are good when used properly.
d) a law concerning drug is... needed to control them from illegal uses.
e) to me, the difference between drug use and drug abuse is... the person
f) a law concerning drugs i would like to see changed is... very strict punishment when found guilty selling to minors.
g) one reason teenagers use drug is... escape from problems
h) some teenagers smoke today even though it causes severe health problems because... peer pressures
i) one negative effect the use of tobacco/ alcohol/ drugs has on my body is... lung damage
j) teenagers are influenced to the greatest extent by... celebrities
k) hearing someone brag about drinking at a party is... kinda sad
l) coming to school stoned is... stupid
m) when my friends are smoking, i... smoke if you smoke or warn of dangers if you don't.
n) one thing i would like to learn about drugs is... why the truth of drugs isn't shown more often on tv and on radio.
Health Question & Answer

crystal meth is become a huge problem that doesnt look like its going anywhere anytime soon.I have been a victom of meth,and alot of people have also.It changes a person to someone they are not,and they will do whatever it takes to keep the high.I think its the most dangerous drug,and our law should take it more serious and the penalty should be alot worse than other drugs.Health Question & Answer

to me a drug is unneccessary
so many people use them
that it affects peoples lives and they need to not be in this world
idk about d
drug use is when you have it under control, and drug abuse is when you abuse others for your bad behavior and don't have the drug use under control
to ban all drug use (like take it outa this world)
to experiment with it
they wanna experiment and see what its like
lung cancer
the media
again, unnecessary
tell them to stop. it takes away extra days/years they could live if they hadn't started smoking
what ingredient in them kills peopleHealth Question & Answer

a) to me a drug is... a chemical that has some effect on the way the body or mind works.

b) one thing i have trouble believing about drugs is... that "all drugs are bad" or so the government would have us believe. some really are, like meth, crack, smack, etc.

c) one thing i believe about drugs is... they are there to enjoy if we can be sensible about them, but they can also be very destructive.

d) a law concerning a drug is... generally a waste of time because its going to be broken anyway. many of them just criminalize people unnecessarily.

e) to me, the difference between drug use and drug abuse is... knowing when to stop, being able to stop when use of a drug starts having a negative effect on your life.

f) a law concerning drugs i would like to see changed is... i would like all naturally occurring drugs such as cannabis, magic mushrooms, peyote etc. to be made legal, because they were tools provided by nature for us to enjoy but false propaganda and religion have poisoned half the world against them.

g) one reason teenagers use drugs is... BOREDOM!! sometimes there's just nothing better to do.

h) some teenagers smoke today even though it causes severe health problems because... they may want to fit in with their friends, or may think it is fine if their parents do it.

i) one negative effect the use of tobacco/alcohol/drugs has on my body is... generally just not feeling well after their use, both physically and mentally.

j) teenagers are influenced to the greatest extent by... their friends.

k) hearing someone brag about drinking at a party is... rare, and a bit sad.

l) coming to school stoned is... not much fun, and there's no reason for it. its not big or clever.

m) when my friends are smoking i... only really join them if i've been drinking.

n) one thing i would like to learn about drugs is... the actual, unbiased, scientific verdict on the health effects of a drug, because there is so much propaganda, so many over the top scare stories and such, that I do not know what to believe. i want definitive information from a reliable source, without some politician or someone trying to put a bull$hit spin on it (which has been happening for a century at least).Health Question & Answer

To me drugs other than those used to treat medical problems are a waste of time and dangerous to the body and mind. That there is any logical reason to take them and that they only going to cause problems in the future.
There is a good reason for lase against drugs, that they are harmful. There is little difference between drug use and drug abuse, both are harmful and a waste of time. I feel that there should be a law making the person caught should have monitory rehab. I think that many teen agers take drugs because of peer pressure and want to be "growth up" Then they continue to smoke because the feel good and don't realize that there harming them selfs mentaly and physically. I am glad that I have never smoked anything. So I have never had problems due to that. It's hard to say why they are infulenced. Peer pressure mostly and youth is prone to experimenting. I think that bragging about it and going to shcool doing it, is stupid and they shouldn't do it. When I am around someone who is smoking, I walk away from them and tell them If they want to commite susiside then that's their bussiness, but I am not going to incourage it. The only thing I would like to know about drugs is how to stop it from being used and what can be done to conteract it. AS you can tell I disaprove of it's use in any form Health Question & Answer

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