Why do my legs ache so much?!

Question: Why do my legs ache so much.?
Ok, I haven't done any strenuous exercise or anything, but just above my knee on both my legs really aches. It also hurts behind the knee to the point that it is sore to touch. This has just come on over the last 2 days... anyone know what it could be.? It hurts to walk, bend down and even move them. :(Health Question & Answer

Are you getting enough sleep.?
If you have a job that requires standing too much, and you eat a little heavier and yu are not sleeping well... that could cause this symptom.

Try controlling those and try to sleep better. the knee might get better.

Hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

have you done anything out of the ordinary the past few days that involved the use of your legs. climbing,bicycling, lifting any boxes or anything.? you might want to try soaking in a hot tub of water using a box of baking soda that usually helps. or you can try using a a warm heating pad for about 15 minutes and then alternating it with an ice pack for about 15 minutes. do this for about an hour . if that doesn't work try using something like icy hot for a few days. if that doesn't help then it is time to call your doctor and get checked out. Many Blessings to you!Health Question & Answer

The cartilage could be wearing away at your knee, making the bones rub together painfully. It has to be checked by a doctor so they can try to clean everything up and possibly regrow cartilage. Or, you may need surgery :-/
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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