I'm 16 and i might have a yeast infection help! what are the symptoms?!

Question: I'm 16 and i might have a yeast infection help! what are the symptoms.?
I have been having thick white discharge the past few months.. i have always had more discharge than what normal women do get.. but not as much as now and the outside of my vagina does be itchy (tmi) and the discharge has a horrible smell.. i have put sudo cream (itch cream) on it and then stops for a while but then it still does be a bit ichy after a while... what do you think it could be and how do you get the yeast infection.? where does it come from.? Health Question & Answer

I'm 16 also and have the same problems with excessive discharge. But I have yeast infections regularly, and I have gone to my doctor about it, and it's really nothing to worry about. They come from an excess amount of yeast on the hotspots of the body. All people have yeast on their body, like in their mouth and for women (all women) on their vagina, but when there is too much, you get an infection. It can itch and cause thick, milky, smelly discharge. Itch cream will, like you said only help for a little while, so, if you go to your doctor or a test lab (maybe you will feel more comfortable going to a place that you don't have to go to for regular check ups) they can prescribe you a small pill (mine was called Fluconazole) that you take once, and it will get rid of the infection.

If the infection comes back after you take the pill, it just means your body normally produces a lot of yeast, so if it is uncomfortable, they can give the pill to you as a regular prescription that you would take every few weeks.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Your best bet is to see a gynecologist. You can find a female one if you are shy of males. However if you choose not to go to one, go to your local pharmacy and look for an anti fungal vaginal cream. They are on the shelf. If you can't find it ask the sales clerk. SHE will help you find it.
Yeast infections are opportunistic diseases. They can come from sex or having used an anti biotic. Anti bio tics kill good germs as well as bad germs so you need to replace the good germs. Eating yogurt will help to replace the good germs.
Yeast infections take over when the good germs are gone and they just move in without anything to stop them..Health Question & Answer

it really sounds like thrush (red,sore,itchy,discharge). you need a canistan cream and pessary tablet.

to stop it from reoccurring:
1)make sure you dont use anything to perfumed down below, i sometimes get it if i use a baby wipe to clean myself.
2)after you have gone to the toilet ALWAYS wipe yourself front to back as you can pass thrush from you rectum to your vagina.

run a bath with some drops of tea tree oil to calm the sorenessHealth Question & Answer

"does be itching".................what.?.? LOL

but seriously go get some vagisil itch cream Health Question & Answer

Ok. If you are having any sex at all you might need to rule out an STD as the culprit. If you are a virgin, then it sounds like a yeast infection. Please do not drink soda or anything sweetened. Please eat A LOT of yogurt or anything with acidoplhilus/bifidus cultures. So many yogurts have this added now. Wear ONLY COTTON UNDIES. NO MORE POLYESTER/SPANDEX!!! And wear pants that are not too tight. Drink plenty of water. Find a soap that is pH balanced to wash yourself. Most soaps are too harsh on delicate skin. You can buy an over-the-counter medicine which comes in a little ovule (egg) shape that you insert into your vagina.

But mostly I worry that if you have started sex, you need to also start seeing a gynecologist. With being a grown up comes much responsibility. Learn to take care of yourself. Learn to know when it's time to visit the doctor.Health Question & Answer

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