Can someone explain to me about Natural Family Planning and how it works?!

Question: Can someone explain to me about Natural Family Planning and how it works.?
Good question - NFP is getting a lot more attention these days because of its good effectiveness and its safety. More and more women are getting nervous about the terrible side effects of hormonal contraception and the danger of blood clots, stroke, etc.

When people talk about their parents' generation using NFP, they are talking about the old rhythm method. It was calendar based and did not take into effect the fact that not every woman has regular cycles and that things like stress, travel & illness can cause cycle changes. The rhythm method has fortunately gone away and modern NFP is scientifically based and has 35+ years of research behind it. That's why those who say - "Well, my parents had 6 kids in 6 years" don't know what they're talking about with modern NFP.

NFP is using a woman's natural signs of fertility to determine if she is in a fertile or infertile part of her cycle. A woman's fertile window is 5-6 days long. This is because sperm, under good circumstances, can live for up to 5 days. A woman's egg can only survive for about 12-24 hours. And once she has ovulated, she will not ovulate again in a cycle (with the rare exception of double ovulation - like for fraternal twins - and ovulation always takes place within 24 hours; all NFP rules take this into consideration).

So, how does a woman know if she is fertile.? The menstrual cycle is dominated by 2 hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Before ovulation, when estrogen starts to kick in, the body starts to produce a special kind of cervical mucus that sort of resembles egg-whites. Her cervix also changes in its position, openness, and firmness. After ovulation, the body triggers a production of progesterone. This hormone makes the cervical mucus dry up, causes the cervix to lower and close, and causes a woman's temperature to rise.

A woman using NFP watches the changes in her mucus, cervix and temperature and from that knowledge knows which part of the cycle she is in. If she is fertile (close to ovulation) and doesn't want to get pregnant, then she will refrain from having sex. If it is before ovulation she can use special rules to know which days are safe for sex. After ovulation there is no chance of another ovulation so she can have sex at any time.

NFP is scientifically based and has been proven to be effective in scientific studies, up to 99% rate of effectiveness. It has the same effectiveness as the pill and is MORE effective then condoms or other barrier methods.

To do NFP correctly, you should take temperatures and also monitor cervical mucus. I highly recommend taking a class in NFP to learn the method well; it may sound complicated from my explanation, but once you start practicing it really only takes a month or two to really get the hang of it. That's why it's nice to have a teacher who can answer your questions.

There are tons of resources for learning NFP. There are a number of organizations that teach NFP. A good resource is, from there you can search for NFP teachers in your area. Go to NFP directory and then to "Doctors, teachers and centers." Some of the best groups to learn from are The Couple to Couple League, Billings Ovulation Method, Northwest Family Services, Foundation of the Americas, the Creighton Method, the Marquette method. Google any of those to learn more about them and how they teach. Some groups, like the Couple to Couple League (, have homestudy classes. Other groups have online classes, like Northwest family services:

You can also go to and they have a downloadable, free manual for learning NFP. But again, if you want to use the method with the highest level of effectiveness, please consider taking a class!

Fertility friend and other online charting sites are good if you have a hard time interpreting your charts. But once you learn the method, it is easy to use and you shouldn't need too much help. That's another reason why it's nice to have a local teacher to help answer your questions.

Toni Weschler's book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" is good, another good book is "The Art of Natural Family Planning" by John & Sheila Kippley. It is very thorough and covers just about any circumstance dealing with charting.

I have been doing NFP for 10 years now. My husband & I used it for over 2 years to postpone pregnancy and then used it to conceive both our children. It does require commitment and you have to be motivated to follow the rules and not take chances when you are in your fertile time, but I really like knowing what my body is doing and working with it instead of working against it. Hope this helped!!Health Question & Answer

There are several different methods:

Billings Ovulation method
Creighton model
Sypmto/Thermal method

Each uses different body signs to determine what phase a woman is in her cycle. Knowing when you are ovulating can help you avoid or achieve pregnancy.

Couples may find one method is easier to use than others. And it's important to get instruction from someone trained to increase chances of success. Any method of birth control will fail if used incorrectly.

I you are Catholic NFP is the only way to go. If not, it is a way to avoid (or achieve) pregnancy without using artificial hormones (and loads of them), which is safer for your health in the long run.

Creighton is a good choice for women who are dealing with infertility OR have endometriosis, PCOS and other reproductive or hormonal issues. Keeping a chart can point to a deficiency in certain hormones that effect your cycle, mood (depression) and can even predict a certain type of miscarriage *before* ever having one.

The treatment for these is safe and uses natural hormones in the right amount and at the right time. Women's bodies are amazing and certain markers can offer clues about our overall heath.

For more information on Creighton Question & Answer

Basically, you're encouraged to figure out when your body is ovulating so you can avoid having sex on the days that you are the most fertile. Some methods rely on you charting your temperature, others require you to monitor your cervical fluid.

I think its much easier to do if you have a fairly regular cycle. Question & Answer

It is basically avoiding having sexy when you are ovulating. Try the book "Taking Charge Of Your Fertility". That book will explain everything. There are a lot of women who use that method successfully. You can also search for that online. They have a great website with message boards and the ladies are really friendly. Good luck!

That is the websiteHealth Question & Answer

Is that some incest thing.?

Oh ok...I have never heard of that before. I thought it was like some sort of 'keeping it in the family' thing. LOLHealth Question & Answer

Oh I use that.

*honey I have my lady problems tonight*

Sighs so peaceful.Health Question & Answer

Pull and pry babby!
That's the only true way not to get pregnant!Health Question & Answer

My parents tried that. They had 5 children in the span of 6 years.Health Question & Answer

I tried that too! After my third child, I got my tubes tied.

Here's my real answer. My friends use this method and are very happy with it: Question & Answer

my sister used that method and got four kids!!!!Health Question & Answer

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