Nasty discharge after fingering and masturbation?!

Question: Nasty discharge after fingering and masturbation.?
On saturday my boyfriend fingered me. And on sunday and today (tuesday) I've been having this GOOEY brownish discharge. Today the discharge is more clear, but still gooey. i was wondering if anyone as ever experience this.? Its not my period because that isn't until the 18. This discharge has happened before after i was fingered or masturbating. I'm pretty nervous so please help.

HELP! serious answers only!!Health Question & Answer

Once you start puberty a white and/or clear, non-foul smelling discharge (mucous) is normal. The vagina is self-cleaning. You will also have your own 'scent' (musky) and it will smell stronger to you than to others. This same discharge increases the closer you get to ovulation and when you are sexually aroused. Trust me, you don't ever want it to go away.

Since the vagina is self-cleaning, it is normal to have discharge after sex, masturbation or at any time during your cycle. The fingering could have stirred up stuff or he could have scratched you inside and made you bleed a little.

Different Types of Discharge:

White: Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and watery: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after periods, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.
Health Question & Answer

This is normal. After I'm fingered, I bleed for a little bit just because my vagina is stretching out. Discharge is usually normal, depending on the circumstances. However, before you put anything in there, you should wash your hands to protect yourself. If you get too nervous, wait awhile until you masturbate or get fingered again to have it clear up, and afterwards, if it doesn't go away, check with your mom or go to a doctor to see if there's something more serious. Chances are, you're fine and just overreacting! Good luck! Health Question & Answer

I've had that before. I don't think that it is bad or anything. I've had it more than once and it's been a while. I don't think it's anything. Just like normal discharge.Health Question & Answer

Think about it whether it's good to be fingered before your 18 years old! I guess you better put your energies into going through high school first and then college and later on you can then be fingered.Health Question & Answer

Its probably just discharge. Alot of the time discharge comes just to get itself out. If it doesnt stop in a week, consult a doctor.Health Question & Answer

sounds like gonorrhea.

one of the symptoms i read about in my health class.

get it looked at by a doctor.Health Question & Answer

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