Does counseling work?!

I think it depends on what you are hoping to get out of it, and what the counseling is for. I personally, don't think counseling alone can turn around a sex offender, but counseling may be beneficial to a victim of domestic abuse. To make it work at its full potential, honesty and full disclosure have to be present. I think counseling should be treated as an avenue to get changes started, not as a cure-all.

Other Answers:
Yes. But you have to cooperate with the counselor.
In the professional sense no. Psychology a pseudo-science at best. The benefit is all having someone actually listening to your problems.
I've been wondering the same thing. Please answer!
only if you do not have any friends to talk to.
yes,it allows you to look at yourself. It's my experience that i am somebody and so are you.Someone with talents and dreams. I think it would be good to give it a try. For counseling seems to bring that out in a person.
Sometimes it helps a situation. The main thing is to get a counselor who is right for you and to whom you can relate.
Good luck!
it will work if you want it to work and if you really want help sorting out your problems, if you don't then you're wasting your time and the counsellors
It depends on you, your counsellor, and what your problem is. If you have something that has some physical basis but are going to a psychologist, then all the talk of childhood and dreams and what those inkblots mean is not going to get you well. If you've gone to a psychiatrist and your problem is mental/emotional, not physical, then the psychologist is usually cheaper and can sometimes help. It comes back, however, to you. Do you give honest answers? Do you listen and try to understand what the counsellor is saying? Do you try to work with the advice (or medications) you are given? The shrinks can't fix everything, but unless you are working towards a solution or resolution too, they will be but a waste of time--and their time is money, lots of it.
It does but you need to be honest about the situation own and don't be afraid to amit that you are wrong and that you make mistakes let yourself make mistakes.
I have real trouble with mental health services. I think counselling might be the same as going to a fortune teller. The both of them are selling you your happiness in the future. I think that once you see there are tools like they use in organisations like AA that you can take charge of your own happiness. Counselling works like fortune telling works -- it makes a lot of money for someone.
Counseling works. Most clients can benefit from counseling, provided that (a) they meet with a counselor whose experience, training, and counseling style fits well with the client and their problem, and (b) the client works with the counselor both to set up specific goals and to work toward reaching them.

There are a number of therapy styles and scenarios. If you are not sure whom to approach, talk with your physician, clergy, teacher, or school counselor.

One significant proviso: Counseling success is more profound if the client has some internal motivation to stick with it. While single-session therapy can be beneficial for a few, research shows that 6-to-12 sessions lead to more long-lasting improvements.
This response was written by a licensed mental health practitioner.
with cooperationa dn the right councler it can it can also take a while to find the right dr. be patient
Everyone needs Counseling of some sort. Beware of the one Giving as to there motives. If you can trust them and know they have your best interest at heart otherwise you are your own best Counselor.Sleep on it as you will have an clear head in the morning.
yeah, counseling does work, but it takes time and cooperation. you need to cooperate with the counselor or psychiatrist. my dad says it also depends on the counselor's skills to talk the patient without them knowing or noticing it(coz my dad is an alcoholic counselor). the very big key in counseling is PATIENCE. if the counselor is not patient enough, and if they get mad at you for not answering, it might cause the patient to not talk for a while.
The effectiveness of counseling depends on the cooperation of those taking part in it. Full disclosure of problems is required and also recognition that no one is perfect. Some group therapy is especially helpful because it lets someone know they are not alone in their weakness. Hearing how others have been tested in life can lessen the load of your problems. Knowing thee is help is a start, accepting it openly and fully is the key.
Counseling can help if you stick with it and keep going. It gives u a chance to learn more about yourself and your problems. Keep an open mind and stay positive--- sometims just having an outlet and a neutral person (not a friend or family member) listen to your problems can be very thereaputic. I went to one before and after the first session i felt a little better just letting my feelings out. good luck! if you need to chat you can email me--
Depends on the counselor, counseled, and good honest communication. However from my experience the benefits are mostly only ever temporary.
the offical: 7 psychiarists, 9 counsellers, 3 psychotherapists and 1 me.
the unoffical: way beyond anything your gonna comprehend.
It depends on the counselor. I don't have a very high opinon of psychologist, but simple counselors do the best. I don't know what your problem[s] are and it's not my business but I don't think counseling can ever hurt. If you're between going and not going, go and see if it helps, if not, try and figure out why it didn't help. Perhaps a different counselor might have a different perspective. I should warn you though, they can drudge up feelings that you weren't sure you had, and you don't always feel better right away. It may take time to feel better, you might leave the office feeling worse than when you came for a while, but it's part of the healing process.
Personal expeirence
It depends. Are you open to counseling? Or, did someone tell you that you need it? If you are not open to it and are not willing to make some changes in your life, then I would say that you are not ready for counseling. Another question to consider is "Do you feel comfortable with your counselor/psychologist?" Not every psychologist is a good fit. It may take you some time before you find one that you feel is a good fit for you. Do not let a few bad apples spoil the whole barrell. So, if you are open to counseling and find a good fit, then you may see some results. However, some people look to counseling to solve their problems and do not realize that it is themself that has to change for their life to improve. Also, a good counselor will not do all the work for you. A good counselor will help you find your own way so that you will not become overly dependent on their services. Best of luck to you!
Myself: I am a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist
Counseling can totally help, but you have to do your share of the work. No counselor is going to have magic answers to your problems. Also, not every counselor is right for you. If you go to one, and you don't feel like you're getting anywhere, don't think that counselors don't work. Find another one. It's important that you feel comfortable talking to your counselor and that you are honest with him or her. You also have to be willing to listen to things you may not want to hear, be open to new ideas, and be willing to put time and energy into improving you life outside of your sessions. Remember, a counselor can show you where the doors are, but you have to walk through them.


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