What's the best way to go about gaining more self-esteem?!

Question: one of my new year's resolutions.
Get a sheet of paper and list things that you would like to do and acomplish them (start out simple). Take some time to do something nice for someone. It feels good. List your good qualities- I'm sure you have many. Most people tend to look at what they don't like about themselves and ignore the wonderful qualities that make them THEM! I think the older a person gets the easier it is. If your in certain age groups no one has good self esteem, even those who seem to have it. Some people who are popular and seek attention and friends have the worst self asteem and waste so much energy trying to prove themselves. If there are some qualities that you don't like, change them. If your self esteem is based on looks alone (don't know what you look like) accentuate the positive about yourself!

Other Answers:
Stop worring about what people think and do your thing :)
i think is by facing what ever you think about yourself and telling yourself that your not weak than the people around, that you are strong and you can face ANYTHING! Good Luck!
i must admit, that is an extremely hard thing to do. you have to change your mindset. look at yourself in the mirror and don't see all the flaws, but look at the things that you like. same thing with your life and personality. and the things that you don't like, change. i know, easier said than done. someone once told me, "to change, you have to move". you can't just say you're going to change. you have to make a move and you have to do something about it. some little things that might help boost your self esteem: smile a lot, there is nothing better than smiling, it just makes you feel good. go get a new outfit, something that you think you look really good in. do something just for you, whether it's to read a book you've been meaning to, going on a 5 mile hike, or whatever, something that will make you feel accomplished. surround yourself with family and friends, the people you love. they will support you through anything. i hope that helps
surround yourself with people you love and respect. a support system is an integral part of being happy with oneself. Also; find out what makes you happy and what you want to be good at, then work HARD to get to that point. setting goals and working hard to reach them will not only give you higher self esteem, but you will gain respect from those around you.
I struggled with this too, and the way I handeled it was by my faith in God. His word says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He says that he knew us before we were even in our mother's womb. He loves us and makes no mistakes. I am telling you this not in an effort to preach to you, but this truth is what helped me to grow to love myself more, and I am simply sharing it with you. If you want to gain more self-esteem trust in God and his promise that he created you in his image, and that his love for you is eternal.
The Bible: 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Peter 3:4, 2 Corinthians 1:4, Psalms 139 (especially verses 13-16), Jeremiah 1: 5


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