I'm too thin! how to be more fit?!


Things to do:
1. Have a balanced diet;
2. Have regular exercise;
3. Have adequate rest(at least 7.5 hours of sleep per
4. Optional: consult a dietitian

Other Answers:
Eat healthy, Okay?

eat more healthy food and exercise more.

Eat more fat fish :) It is healthy and very good for your brain :)

Eat more!!

eat healthy and work out so gain fat rather muscle.

you must eat more protein and higher fat foods

exactly what is too thin?

eat more starches--potato, bread, etc.
get enough protein.

Eat, silly

u shood eat lean meat atleast 3-4 times a week
and eat healthy things like fruit an veg
keep active
go jooging or walking
for atleast 15-30 minutes
and dont get too stressed

you're probably too thin because of a hectic lifestyle paired with bad eating habits. That's usually the most common case.

Try my *GET HEALTHY LIFESTYLE* that worked for me before. I just don't use it now because I don't like to stick to the same diet and I like variety or I'd end up gaining more weight because of boredom and routine!

-Eat 3 meals a day.
"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper". Meaning, have a hearty breakfast (a must!), a good lunch and a modest dinner.
If you can't pull that, 5 SMALL meals a day would be ok as well. (So long as you don't have 5 SQUARE meals a day!)

-If you're not vegetarian: Include proteins (meat) in your diet and lots of vegetables.
That basically means for every 1 serving of meat, have 2 servings of vegetables. This will ensure you don't OVEREAT but still get your required proteins, vitamins and carbos.

-Have a healthy snack.
That increases your food intake in the healthy sense. Have a 200ml tub of fruit yoghurt. Whip up some nice lite strawberries and whipped cream. Natural popcorn.

-No eating after 7pm!
Have your dinner at 6. Night time, your body decreases it's metabolism because it predicts less activity.
You want to gain a little healthy weight, not start an unhealthy habit that will lead to bad weight gain.

-Have an exercise plan.
IF you're like me and hate routine (oh, the 3 times a week horrible gym visits! Ugh!), try to incorporate more "action" in your daily lifestyle.
Walk more. Take the stairs instead of the lift. If you are going somewhere nearby, heck, why not just walk?!

-Have a relaxation plan.
Don't work too much, leaving you frazzled and stressed, with little mood to eat and enjoy.
Try to set aside an hour or 1/2 an hour every evening or when it's convenient for you, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and just do something you enjoy (work is not a valid "enjoyment" activity!).
Light some candles. Meditate. Read a book with a cup of soothing Canomile and peppermint tea in hand. Draw. Surf the net on youqa.cn.

-Indulge once in a while.
Okay, so they say full-fat, dairy ice cream is bad for you if you have too much of it. Why not indulge once in a while on your favourite 'unhealthy' snack?
Note: Indulge ONCE in a while doesnt mean like everyday. :)

-Drink full-cream milk.
Milk is known to be healthy, nutritious, and helps you keep fit naturally.
If you prefer, Lo-fat-Hi-Cal milk would be good as well.
BUT take note the calcium is for strong bones and is good for you.

That's it!
Before you start any diet it's best to consult your doctor, if you have any medical problems or something, he can advise you on how to start and probably give some extra tips.
Good luck!

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