How can I get my sister to stop sucking her thumb? Age 5, i've tried spanking et!

She sucks her thumb to the point of giving cuts on her thumb infections. Ive tried the occasional spank and a lot of dont do that etc. Any other suggestions would be great. I know all the ramifications of it. I was thinking about using tobasco sauce as a last measure. any thoughts? thanks
talk to your dentist - they would have ideas on this

Other Answers:
Shouldn't that be your parents' job?

give her a manicure! ( but on da nail polish, put something that tastes and smells bad in it.)
she wont if it doesnt taste or smell good

Good call with the dentist. Maybe take her to her doctor and have her doctor give her a good scare treatment.

she'll grow out of it

She must have feelings of insecurity and spanking her or yelling at her will only make it necessary for her to continue sucking her thumb. Engage in activities with her that will boost her confidence and don't pay so much attention to what you think she shouldn't be doing.

Try the tobasco. Make a paste with the hottest part of a habenero pepper and insert it under her thumbnail.

Tobasco sauce- or some other icky-tasting substance- may not be a bad idea, but I agree with the previous person who said it should be your parents' job. They're the ones who should be the most in charge of her, so why not go to them about it?
Incidentally, I have a 27-year-old sister who STILL sucks her thumb (when she's stressed) & she's the only one of us who hasn't ever needed braces.

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